Tuesday 30 January 2018

What are we drinking

Want to know what you can juice to start feeling better?

Here are some ideas:

Carrot Juice:

High in the antioxidant beta-carotene
and full of wonder enzymes.

Celery Juice:

High In Sodium -- not the artificial type
poured from the salt shaker, which
is bad for you, but the good, natural
kind that promotes tissue flexibility.

Beet Juice:

Beets nourish the liver, one of the most important
organs in the body, with hundreds of different
functions. If your liver is functioning well,
most likely everything else in your body
will be too.

Cabbage Juice:

Cabbage juice is high in vitamin C.

Apple Juice:

Apples are high in antioxidants, vitamins A
and C, and potassium. Apple juice is great
for aiding in a liver flush and has anticarcinogenic

Kale Juice:

Kale juice is one of the most powerful
cancer fighting juices.

Spinach Juice:

Spinach juice is loaded with iron, chlorophyll,
and carotene, and is used to fight cancer.

Wheatgrass Juice:

Wheatgrass juice is abundant in chlorophyll and
antioxidants. It’s also very detoxing.

You can combine these juices
together and with other fruits
and vegetables in order to
get specific results.

It’s important to remember that there are likely as many
healthy combos of raw juice as there are reasons to drink it.
So, you’ve definitely got options for taste. And, I think its safe
to say that the greener the juice, the more beneficial it is –
especially when we’re dealing with a toxic digestive system.

Intro to Nutrients in Smoothies

Intro to Nutrients in Smoothies

Everyone is aware that it is essential to have a wide range of fruit and veg in your diet. Smoothies are a fantastic way of getting a whole mix of different fruits and nutrients in one sitting. But why?

Freshly made smoothies are blended using whole fruits, so they contain fibre in addition to all the lovely vitamins and  minerals. Fibre is essential for a healthy digestive system and regular visits to the toilet. Better out than in as they say.

Dark fruits such as berries and cherries contain vital antioxidants and boosts immune systems. They even improve brain power.

It is believed that the antioxidants stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain – and keep the mind fresh.

Smoothies can also be made with ingredients such as oats, which are low GI, reducing spikes in blood sugar levels. The sugar produced from fresh made smoothies is natural fructose. This is slower releasing than other sugar or sweetener based drinks. This provides greater nutritional benefit and helps with levels of concentration and therefore behaviour, avoiding a ‘crash and burn’ later in the day.

Not all smoothies are created equal though. Some pre-made off the shelf smoothie drinks can contain other elements such as added sugar or additives/flavourings. This is certainly something to look out for, especially if they are marketed as a ‘healthy drink’. Making the smoothies fresh to order means they are free from any additional processing.

Ingredients for Weight Loss

2.   Ingredients for Weight Loss

While many of the traditional ingredients in healthful smoothies support a healthy weight, some are better than others. There are certain things you can put in your smoothie that will boost your weight loss by different means.

Avocado: Alligator pears are the preferred weight loss smoothie thickener, or ingredient that provides that signature smoothie creaminess. They supply ample healthy fat, which will keep you satiated and satisfied until your next meal, and an array of health promoting vitamins and minerals.

Berries: Any kind of berry, strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, and raspberry for instance, add a ton of flavor to a smoothie without adding very many calories or sugar. Additionally, they are high in fiber, which helps to keep you full, and antioxidants for your overall health.

Cayenne pepper: This spice not only adds a kick to your smoothie, it also boosts your weight loss capability. The compound responsible is called capsaicin. Research has shown that adding it to breakfast reduces consumption of fat and carbohydrates later in the day. In other words, consuming a little cayenne pepper will curb your appetite.

Chia seeds: The same little seeds that make hair grow on ceramic animals are a great tool for weight loss. They are packed with fiber and protein to help keep you feeling full and satisfied and they contain numerous healthful nutrients like calcium, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids. They are also known to absorb toxins from your digestive tract. Many of my recipes call for chia seeds or chia seed gel. I prefer the gel because it helps unlock the nutrition, is slightly easier to digest, and adds to the creaminess of your smoothie. To make chia seed gel, combine equal parts chia seeds and water in a small container and let sit for 5 – 10 minutes to gel. Stores in the fridge for a good month.

Cinnamon: The popular spice helps regulate blood sugar levels by improving the metabolism of glucose. This results in a reduction of the amount of excess blood glucose that can be stored as fat. Abdominal fat, studies have shown, is more sensitive to the effects of cinnamon than fat from any other part of the body.

Coconut oil: This is my number one smoothie weight loss ingredient. As you’ll soon read all about below, ample healthy fat in your smoothies and diet is imperative if you’re serious about losing weight, and achieving optimal health. The predominant fats (medium chain) in coconut oil are used by the body for energy as opposed to being stored as fat. This superfood keeps you satiated, energized, and feeling good. Go with an organic virgin coconut oil for your smoothies and internal consumption.

Greek yogurt: Compared to other styles of yogurt, Greek yogurt is much higher in protein. This means it can fill you up and keep you fuller longer. Opt for the full-fat variety, and stick with plain. The flavored varieties usually have a lot of added sugar.

Healthy fats: Healthy fats are vital to your overall health and help keep you satiated for hours. Totally denying fat is not a way to lose weight. You will only feel unsatisfied when you eat. Consuming ample healthy fat is actually an integral part of any weight loss plan. Include fats in your smoothies by adding avocado, coconut oil, or nuts and nut butters. If you make elixirs, butter and cream are good options too.

Leafy greens: Greens, like kale, spinach, dandelion, and romaine lettuce, are packed with phytonutrients and low in calories. They are also high in fiber. Make sure to rotate your greens on a regular basis.

Pulp from fruit: If you have a juicer, you know that in addition to the juice, you end up with a pile of throw-away pulp. This is all the fiber from the fruits and instead of throwing it out or composting it, you can add it to your smoothies for a natural source of fiber.

Stevia: If the fruit you add to your smoothies is not enough sweetness for you, consider using stevia. This natural, zero-calorie sweetener comes from a plant and is free from the side effects and possible risks of artificial sweeteners.

Tea/water/ice: Many smoothie recipes call for milk or fruit juice to create the right consistency. To avoid the extra calories, substitute them with tea, water, or ice. A fruity, herbal tea is a good substitute for juice. Green tea contains healthful nutrients, including a compound thought to aid in weight loss, and it has a mild flavor. For a consistency more like a shake, use ice.

3.   Ingredients to Avoid

There are plenty of great foods and supplements to put in your smoothies that will give you flavor without excess calories. There are also some pitfalls. Too many people assume that any smoothie is a healthy option, but there are some ingredients that should be avoided if you are using smoothies as a weight loss tool. The most important thing you want to avoid in your smoothies is excess sugar. Even “healthier” sugar from natural sources such as fruit, honey, and maple syrup should be minimized.

Canned fruits or vegetables:
Fresh produce is always best, but when you can’t find what you want, turn to frozen foods before cans. Canned fruits and vegetables often have added preservatives or sweeteners that increase the number of calories. They have also lost a significant amount of their nutritional value. Fresh and frozen veggies and fruits maintain nutrient content much longer than canned products.

Dairy: Dairy products like milk, ice cream, or frozen yogurt are common ingredients in smoothies, but they are chock full of extra calories. There are exceptions, such as raw milk and plain, full-fat Greek yogurt, which is high in protein and low in sugar, but most dairy should be avoided.

Fruit juice: Juice is often high in sugar and calories and low in nutritional value, especially store-bought products. Many contain added sweeteners, and all have lost the fiber of the whole fruit. A limited amount of 100 percent juice is fine, but too much will just increase your total (bad) calorie intake.

Some Protein powders: By “some” I mean those full of fillers and suspect ingredients (list of ingredients is a long list of hard to pronounce words), which don’t support healthy weight loss. A clean protein powder is perfectly acceptable. Don’t feel like you have to use a protein powder though as there are many healthy whole food sources of protein such as nuts, nut butters, seeds, Greek yogurt, and gelatin. If you’re not sure if a protein powder is right for you, give one a try and see how you respond. If you’re wondering, I recommend Sun Warrior protein and these other clean protein powders.

Sweeteners: If your smoothie tastes very sweet, you are probably over doing it on the sweetener and potentially consuming too much sugar for a weight loss plan. Stevia is a natural, no-calories sweetener that you can use. Other good sweeteners, such as honey and maple syrup should be used in moderation.

Too much sweet fruit: Whole, fresh fruits are good for you, and a natural way to add flavor and a little sweetness to your smoothie, but too much can be a problem. A lot of fruit in one smoothie can spike your blood sugar and cause digestive problems. A good rule of thumb is to stick to avocados and berries. Small amounts of sweeter fruits such as banana, apple, mango, and pineapple is fine, but keep those to a minimum. Smoothies high in sugar are a recipe for weight gain.

The Skinny on Fat: Good Fats vs. Bad Fats

5.   The Skinny on Fat: Good Fats vs. Bad Fats

In addition to a balanced diet, you will also need to get plenty of exercise. Try to get some amount of physical activity every day, even if it is just a short walk. High intensity, short duration workouts two to three times a week have been proven to be the most effective form of exercise and great for shedding excess poundage. This form of exercise is also known as High Intensity Interval Training (HITT) and Peak Performance.

Fat, fat, fat! Would all our weight loss problems be solved if we just eliminated fat from our diets? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. We need fats can’t live without them, in fact. Fats are an important part of a healthy diet: They provide essential fatty acids, keep our skin soft, deliver fat soluble vitamins, and are a great source of energizing fuel. But it’s easy to get confused about good fats vs. bad fats, how much fat we should eat, how to avoid artery clogging trans fats, and the role omega-3 fatty acids play in heart health.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 2005 Dietary Guidelines recommend that adults get 20 to 35 percent of their calories from fats. At a minimum, we need at least 10 percent of our calories to come from fat.

The problem is that the typical  diet is higher in fat: Roughly 34 to 40 percent of our calories come from fat. Why? Because they taste so good and are widely available in our food supply. Fats enhance the flavors of foods and give our mouths that wonderful feel that is so satisfying.

An Overall Weight Loss Plan

4.   An Overall Weight Loss Plan

As you work towards your weight loss goal with tasty smoothies as your tool, keep in mind that the healthy way to lose weight includes more than just dietary changes. Your smoothies, if created thoughtfully, will provide you with many of the nutrients you need including protein, carbohydrates, good fats, and vitamins and minerals. But, don’t forget to eat healthful foods in addition to those smoothies. Get plenty of vegetables, healthy fats, high quality proteins, whole grains, and moderate amounts of fruit at your regular meals.

Healthy fats were mentioned as an important weight loss smoothie ingredient and a vital part of a healthy diet. I can’t overemphasize this point. Getting adequate amount of healthy fat and eliminating unhealthy fat from your diet of paramount. Of all the dietary and lifestyle changes I’ve made over the years, getting my fats straight has had the biggest impact on my health and well-being.

Get the goods & the greens

Get The Goods and The Greens

Now comes the fun part. You get to shop for and create your own
juice combinations. Do you want to begin juicing for detox? Juicing
for mental clarity? Or do you simply want to add more juices to your
diet to achieve balance?
The produce you choose to juice will really depend on your personal
needs as well as what’s in season and available where you are.

Here are some popular and ultra effective juicing ingredients:

1 Green Leaf Lettuces

Leafy green lettuces are an excellent
addition to your juices. They are
abundant in vitamins, minerals, and
protein -- and are not offensive to the
taste buds. The darker the green, the higher
the mineral content, and the more intense the
flavor of its juice.
If you want to reap the benefits of lettuce in your juice, but are
skeptical of the taste, try juicing a combo of darker and lighter greens
to balance out the flavor.
You can also use lettuce, like romaine to help balance out sharper
tasting juices like ginger, fennel, garlic, and cilantro.

2 Ginger

Ginger is a spicy root vegetable that
can help add zest to your green juices.
Sometimes adding ginger can flavor a juice
well enough to eliminate to temptations to
add sweeter fruits. Of course, anything that you
can do to reduce your sugar intake will help promote
optimum health.
Ginger relaxes the intestinal tract so it is very good for reducing
nausea, gas and bloating. Studies have even shown that ginger’s
anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties have helped reduce
symptoms in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

3 Garlic

Garlic is one of those tastes that you may have
to work up to when it comes to adding it to your
juice. But again, since juice is so readily
available to your cells, you never really
need to drink too much of it at once.
Garlic has been known to have antibacterial
and anti-microbial affects, enhance your immune
system, eliminate heavy metals, and help balance cholesterol levels,
high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and candida.
Buy fresh plump garlic for juicing. To juice it, simply peel the white
papery skin and run a clove or two through your favorite juicer.

4 Fennel

Fennel, like ginger, adds a certain spicy quality to your
juice and can be a good addition if you wish to keep
your juices more vegetable-based. Fennel tastes
like black licorice and has been known to have
many medicinal properties.
Besides being a digestive aid and useful in the reduction of gas, just
like ginger – fennel also contains phytoestrogens which is especially
useful to women during menopause.
When juicing fennel, use both the stem and the bulb. It does have a
very intense flavor. If you’ve never had fennel or fennel juice before,
do a taste test to determine how much of it you want to drink or if you
need to add it to other juices.

5 Lemon and Limes

Lemons and Limes are a great way
to sweeten your juice without raising
blood sugar or feeding infections
(yes, infections will feed on all of the
sugars in your foods, even natural sugars).
Lemons and limes are very high in vitamin C and are great for
assisting circulation and enhancing the skin.
You can juice the entire lemon or lime including the rind for the most
nutritional benefit. Of course, this will create a more bitter flavor.
If adding these citrus fruits to your juice, you can balance out the
bitterness by adding something mellow like cucumber.

6 Cilantro

Cilantro has a fresh taste and also has
metal chelating properties. This means
that it can help your body detoxify
from metals that may be stored
from old dental amalgams or simply
everyday life.
To best juice cilantro, you should use a screw juicer, or
simply blend in your blender, and strain. Other juicers will do the job,
but won’t yield as much juice.

7 Cucumber

Cucumber is very mellow tasting
and makes a great addition to most
juices because it helps balance
the taste of the more pungent tasting vegetables. Cucumbers are
composed mostly of water and minerals like silica. This makes them
especially hydrating and beneficial for gaining great skin.
You will want to juice the entire cucumber – skin, seeds and all,
because most of the cucumber’s nutrition is stored in its skin.

8 Mint

Mint is very cooling and refreshing.
You can add it to your juice to
enhance the flavor and make your
greens more palatable.
Juicing mint is much like cilantro and grasses. You want to use a very
high quality juicer like the Twin Gear to get the most out of your juice.
But, you can also just blend it and add it directly to your juices, or
blend and strain it before adding it to other juices.

10 Minutes of Exercise Yields Hour-Long Effects

6.   10 Minutes of Exercise Yields Hour-Long Effects

Other factors that contribute to weight loss are adequate sleep (underrated), stress reduction, hydration (your liver doesn’t metabolize body fat well when burdened by dehydration), and a positive outlook. There’s often an emotional component preventing people from losing weight, which is rarely easy to address. Resolving issues in your relationships, career, or past, often leads to profound breakthroughs.

Mindful eating is another strategy that besides being a good practice to help us slow down also often results in weight loss. When you bring mindfulness to your meals you usually make better choices (reach for and consume less junk food), eat less (your gut has ample time to signal to your brain when you’re full), and appreciate the food more. To practice mindful eating, remove any distractions such as TV or reading, take small bites and chew slow (tough one for me) and notice the color, smells, and textures of your food. Please don’t dismiss this simple practice – it can yield profound results.

Everyone’s body is different and not all of us are meant to be as skinny as a supermodel or have 6-pack abs. Learn to love your body and don’t get caught up in the game of comparing yourself to others. Staying active while also eating right, getting ample sleep, reducing stress, and enjoying healthful and nutritious smoothies are steps you can take that will get you to your goal weight before you know it.

Smoothies for Healthy Weight Loss

1.   Smoothies for Healthy Weight Loss

If you’re looking to sip away the pounds, juice cleanses may not be the best idea. Smoothies, however, could be your best-kept weight-loss secret: the blended beverage offers you tons of nutrition as well as protein and fiber to help keep you full until your next meal. Whipping up a smoothie for breakfast will further help you rev up your metabolism first thing in the morning.

The reason that smoothies can help you lose weight is that you can get all of your necessary nutrients in one glass without adding in excess or empty calories. When you learn about the ingredients that create a balanced smoothie, you will be able to include a good balance of protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, as well as vitamins and nutrients.

Besides the basics, you can include powerhouse ingredients that up the nutritional value of your smoothie without adding extra calories. You can also include elements that enhance your weight loss by boosting your metabolic rate, giving you more energy, and filling you up for hours.

Are Smoothies Healthy? Are They Good for Weight Loss?

8.   Are Smoothies Healthy? Are They Good for Weight Loss?

Smoothies made purely of whole fruits and vegetables, and if desired, a little soymilk or nonfat dairy, are wonderfully healthy and nutritious. But if you’re trying to lose weight, be careful.

Are Smoothies Healthy?

You’ve packed into your blender all kinds of fresh, whole foods like strawberries, blueberries, mango, kale, and mint.

What could be wrong? Nothing until you turn on the blender.

For losing weight, there’s one major problem with smoothies – all smoothies. They’re liquids.

Consistently, researchers have found that calories in liquid form have less satiety than calories in solid form. What is satiety? It’s the opposite of hunger. Satiety is getting out of hunger. Satiety is also a measure of how long you stay full after eating.

“Foods that provide the highest satiety for the fewest calories will help you lose weight and keep it off because they do not force you to live with chronic hunger,” explains Dr. Jay Kenney, PhD, RD, Nutrition Research Specialist.

The satiety level of liquids is slim to none, meaning, you don’t compensate for the calories you drink by eating less food. For example, if you drink a smoothie (let’s say it’s 150 calories) before or with a meal, you’re unlikely to compensate by eating 150 fewer calories of food at that meal or at your next meal.

How to Lose Weight

Bottom Line: If weight loss is your goal, steer clear of any beverage with calories, from soft drinks to sugary teas to smoothies to fruit juices. Liquid calories, no matter their source, will not curb your appetite as well as solid foods do.

So, rather than pulverizing your fruits and veggies with a blender, enjoy them whole. Peel a banana. Break open a bag of baby carrots. Swirl strawberries into a dish of nonfat Greek yogurt. Keep a big bowl of fresh fruit on the kitchen counter. Get in the habit of taking fruit and veggies wherever you go.

And watch that bathroom scale plummet.

Meal Replacement Shakes/Smoothies

9.   Meal Replacement Shakes/Smoothies

A smoothie substituted for a junk food breakfast can aid in weight loss, but for long-term weight control, an exercise and eating approach is your best bet.

“There is no question that people can lose weight on such shakes/smoothies, but their efficacy for long-term weight control is debatable,”

“For permanent weight-loss success, an exercise and eating approach is your best bet. That’s because eating plans focuses on foods that are not only healthy but also provide the highest satiety for the fewest calories.”

High-satiety/low-calorie foods include whole vegetables, whole fruits, beans, potatoes, yams, and cooked whole grains such as whole-wheat pasta and brown rice, and moderate amounts of nonfat dairy and lean meat.

Smoothie vs Shake – What is the Difference?

10.   Smoothie vs Shake – What is the Difference?

Health websites are filled with drink recipes to make you look and feel healthier.

Protein Shakes and Green Smoothies are two common themes… but what is the difference?

At first glance, these two drinks are very similar. I think of them as basically interchangeable, but there are some key differences that might make you choose one over the other.

Today I’m going to weigh in on the smoothie vs shake debate.

I’ll start with the main differences, but keep reading for important information on how to choose the best option for you.

The Bottom Line:

·       ​Smoothies are thick due to the vegetable and fruit pulp they contain, while shakes use creamier ingredients.

·       Shakes usually contain a hefty dose of protein, while smoothies may not

·       Common smoothie flavors: strawberry, mango, kiwi, pineapple or green vegetables

·       Common shake flavors: vanilla, chocolate, caramel, or peanut butter

·       Smoothies and shakes can be both healthy options as long as you make them yourself at home

·       Pre-workout smoothies are the best option, and shakes are great for post-workout.

·       When ordering at a restaurant, ask questions and ensure you’re not getting a milkshake in a false healthy disguise.

Base and Texture

Shakes have a creamier texture than smoothies. Think of milkshakes… they are so thick you could probably use a spoon if you wanted to.

We’re only referring to shakes that are made from health-friendly ingredients. This excludes milkshakes which are usually based on ice cream.

Shakes use a much healthier base ingredient than ice cream - frozen banana, avocado, and coconut milk are just some of the ingredients you will find adding richness to a healthy shake recipe.

This is different than smoothies, as they don’t necessarily have a creamy texture. They can be thick, as they contain the pulp of the fruit and vegetables. Especially frozen fruit can add thickness but not necessarily creaminess.

The liquid base of shakes is often milk, coconut milk or yogurt, while the more typical liquid base for smoothies is water or almond milk.

Protein Content

Protein is where shakes really stand apart from smoothies.

Smoothies may or may not contain any protein at all. Often smoothie ingredients are limited to fruits and vegetables, with some hemp seeds or nut butter added to increase protein content.

Shakes are typically fortified with some kind of protein powder. This adds a creamy texture and will make you feel full for longer. Shakes are often designed as a meal replacement so their nutrient ratio is more comprehensive.

That said, you could always add some protein powder to a smoothie if you want to increase the protein content. That’s usually all it takes to turn your green smoothie into a green protein shake.

Flavor Combinations

When most people think of a smoothie, they think of a brightly colored drink.

Popular fruit smoothie flavors include combos like strawberry/kiwi, mango/pineapple, orange/berry and other sweet, fresh ingredients.

Popular green smoothie ingredients include spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, cucumber, and one of my personal favorites - celery.

Shakes, on the other hand, are more likely to be based on healthy fat-based ingredients.

Popular shake flavors include vanilla, chocolate, caramel and peanut butter. The base of the shakes themselves is often a creamy ingredient like avocado, coconut milk or frozen banana.

Smoothie Diet

7.   Smoothie Diet

Smoothie diets have become quite popular. I want to make it clear that I’m not an advocate of smoothie diets. I recommend a smoothie for breakfast and two regular meals for lunch and dinner. Substituting a smoothie for another meal once in a while or having one after working out is perfectly acceptable. Note, most people enjoy smoothies for breakfast. Having your one smoothie for the day at lunch or dinner is absolutely fine.

I recommend a “real” diet. One based on traditional foods, those that our great grandparents consumed, and in many cases our species has consumed for hundreds and even thousands of years.

After experimenting with vegetarianism and veganism I found these dietary guidelines work best for me and have been following them since late 2017 ( after my stroke ). We are unique individuals with unique dietary requirements. There’s not one perfect diet that everyone should be on. I recommend experimenting and paying close attention to your body and how you feel to arrive at what diet most resonates with you.

Vaginal bleaching

Once reserved exclusively for porn stars and strippers, vaginal bleaching, also called “genital bleaching” or “pussy bleaching,” has become part of the mainstream popular culture. Thanks to celebrity attention, this bold beauty trend has become insanely popular across all ages, cultures, and professions. Just simply put – women are no longer afraid to bleach their hoo ha’s!

Of course, when dealing with intimate areas like the vagina, nipples, etc., bleaching can be a delicate procedure, so it’s important to use products made with all-natural ingredients that won’t damage your skin. By using the RIGHT whitening products, you can bleach your vaginal area safely and efficiently.

What Exactly is Vaginal Bleaching?

The phrase “bleached vagina” is pretty cringe-worthy. The thought of putting bleach on your lady garden sounds like a one-way ticket to “nope town” to me!

The truth is – this process isn’t really about “bleaching” at all! The term refers to using safe and natural vagina whitening products to change the color of your vulva/labia from dark to pink. Just be careful to avoid ANY creams with hydroquinone, a chemical agent which can cause uterus cancer and other health issues. Stay away!

Getting a perfectly pink pussy is possible, but only if you use the right bleaching products and follow instructions carefully. If you do your research, you can effectively whiten your vagina, so you feel confident, and sexy when someone is staring at you “down there.” This renewed physical look for your genitals will surely boost your self-esteem especially when you’re in bed with your partner. No more shyness and insecurity because of dark intimate areas. After these treatments, only confidence will be oozing out of you from now on. It’s completely life-changing.

The most important thing to remember is that the area surrounding your vagina and labia minora is very sensitive, which is why we’ve created a guide for choosing lighting products that are safe for your tender girly bits. If you are looking for a safe vaginal bleaching cream, you might as well just look for anal whitening gels as they are just as efficient and will work just fine because the anus is as sensitive as the area around the vagina.

Which Vaginal Bleaching Option is Right for Me?

woman showing off her bleached private area

Although genital whitening has gained incredible popularity over the years, undergoing these bleaching treatments might not be a viable choice for all females. This is why it’s important to choose the option that is right for you and your vagina!

Some procedures can be expensive – with most spa centers charging several hundred dollars for a single visit! Fortunately, there are other DIY vaginal bleaching treatments which are just as effective, and more affordable. These vigina bleaching products can be used in the privacy of your home – so you don’t need to go flashing your naughty bits all over town.

When choosing an at-home DIY option, a topical brightener is your best bet. These products lighten the skin around your intimate areas WITHOUT requiring a professional to apply them. The best topical skin brighteners will reduce the darkness around the vaginal area, but are made of only natural ingredients that don’t cause side-effects such as skin irritation or rashes.

You want to choose a vaginal bleaching treatment that is safe, effective, affordable and easy to apply yourself. The best way to do this is to find honest, real-user customer reviews for products that real women have tried in the past. Look for these reviews of the goods made by trusted brands – or ask your doctor about creams and gels which actually lighten your labia minora and the overall color of the vagina area.

How To Lighten Your Vagina? Natural Remedies You Can Use At Home
How To Lighten Your Vagina

If having an even skin tone, is right now your main concern, this article may be of your interest. Knowing how to lighten your skin is important, and many people are especially interested in knowing how to lighten vagina naturally.

We have already seen the factors that can cause hyperpigmentation and all the treatments you can find. Now, we are going to take a look at how to lighten your vagina naturally at home. I have found plenty of natural remedies, some more effective than others. They are not miraculous and the secret is no other than to apply them regularly and for a long period of time. These home remedies will not work if you apply them one week and then you stop.

Another thing you need to consider is your particular skin condition: What type of skin do you have? Do you have a sensitive skin with propensity to allergies or irritations? Is your hyperpigmentation problem severe?

For severe hyperpigmentation problems it is always wise to visit a dermatologist first. They are the experts and they will give you the best solution for you.

How  Your Vagina Using Home Remedies

These remedies are inexpensive and easy to make. However, you must keep in mind that in order to be effective you need to apply them regularly as part of your daily routine. Also follow these recommendations:

Start by using any of the following natural remedies in just a small area of your skin and see how your skin reacts to it. If you pass the test then apply it over a larger area.
Always clean and dry your skin before applying the treatment.
Avoid the eye’s area and lips.
Apply the paste or the mask, let it dry and rinse it with water.
Wait at least ten minutes after the treatment before applying your make-up and/or the sunblock.
Always use sunblock. Buy a moisturizer with SPF of at least 15. Use it every morning after cleaning your skin. Sunblock will prevent the skin from getting darker and block harmful UV rays that can cause cancer and premature aging.
It goes without saying that these remedies are for topical use only. Do not eat them, they are not that delicious anyway.
Let´s take a look at the most common home remedies that people are using to lighten their vagina.

Lemon Juice

One way to lighten your skin is by using lemon juice. The procedure is simple: cut a lemon and rub it over the vaginal area.

Lemon is one of the best natural substances to cure skin problems. It is used as a skin lightener worldwide and when used on a regular basis it can prove to be really effective in making your skin free from all the blemishes.

If you want to avoid the burning sensation when applying the lemon juice directly on your vaginal area, you can mix it with water. Let the lemon juice stay on for about fifteen to twenty minutes and then rinse it off.

Lemon juice will lighten your vagina only a few shades.

There is another home remedy that uses lemon juice as a main ingredient and combines it with honey.

You will have to prepare a paste using the following ingredients: lemon juice, honey, almond oil and milk powder. About the quantity to use of each ingredient: you can start by using 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of milk powder and ½ teaspoon of almond oil. These are general proportions, try it like this and then make the necessary adjustments.

You can use lime juice in the same way than lemon. You can also mix two or three drops of lime juice with grated tomato, apply it on the vaginal area and keep it there about 20 minutes. After three weeks you can start to see some results.

Papaya Soap

Papaya soap used regularly helps to lighten and soften your vagina. This soap contains, among other things, water, glycerin and papaya extract. Papaya contains papain, an enzyme that makes skin lighter. It works similarly to lemon juice, the papain exfoliates the skin, getting rid of the layers that have discoloration. As a result of the exfoliation your skin can become very dry. Always use a moisturizer after applying the papaya soap. It will keep your vaginal area hydrated and without losing elasticity.

Vaginal lightening using papaya soap only remains while using the soap. If you stop using it your skin will darken again.


Using a cotton ball apply buttermilk over the area you want to treat. Wait fifteen minutes and then rinse it.

Buttermilk lightens the skin because it contains lactic acid. The effect it has on the skin is similar to lemon juice, it exfoliates the skin. This removes the affected areas making the skin lighter.


Take some fresh mint leaves and grind them using a mortar and pestle. Apply the paste over the area you want to lighten and leave it there for around twenty minutes. Rinse with cold water. If you do this twice a day you can see results in two weeks.

Mint improves the texture of your skin making it soft and smooth.


Another simple way to lighten your vagina. Take a potato, grate it and spread the paste over your vaginal area. When grating the potato don’t strain it because you need all the juices. These juices are the ones containing the bleaching agent that will help to lighten your vagina. Let the paste dry and then rinse it off.

Orange Peel

Take two or more oranges and peel them. Sundry the peels and when they are fully dried, grind them to make a powder. Adding some milk to the powder you will make a paste. Apply the paste over your skin and leave it there around 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Sandalwood paste

For this remedy you will need: sandalwood powder, lemon juice, tomato juice and cucumber juice. Make a paste mixing all these ingredients and apply it over the area you need to treat. Leave it until it dries and then rinse.

Oatmeal, tomato juice and curd

Mix all the ingredients to form a paste, apply it over the area you want to lighten, keep it there for about 15 minutes and then rinse.


All these home remedies are easy to prepare and they work for mild discoloration problems. They are cheaper than a commercial vaginal bleaching cream. However, it can be a pain having to prepare the mixtures every day.

Personally, I prefer to use a commercial vaginal bleaching cream. I just have to buy it and keep it at hand. It is always ready to use and makes my life easier. I also like the consistency they provide (always the same) which for me it is important because I know I will always get the same results. If you have been looking for a cream that will bleach your vagina, Epibright intimate lightening cream is a safe (only contain natural ingredients), effective alternative that is definitely worth checking out.

Thursday 25 January 2018


What is a detox?

lemon water detox Let’s start with the basics, as there is quite a bit of confusion around the topic of detoxing. A detox diet aims to help the body rid itself of toxins. Of course, the human body has many natural detox pathways via the liver, urine, sweat and feces. While it is a complex process, the liver neutralizes toxic substances, and then releases them from the body

A diet specifically for further detox claims to help the bodies vital organs rest and recover, support and increase liver function, and give you a “boost” of important micronutrients.

Detox diets come in many forms, although most involve some sort of fast (water, juice or broth), and are followed by a period of clean eating. Some include smoothies, supplements, herbs, teas, enemas, and other methods of promoting detoxification.

Cleansing or detox diets are intended to clear your system and improve your health. If you want to make a real change in your health and not just a temporary fix, adopting a new diet for the long haul is a sounder option.cleansing diet, however, can help you change your eating habits permanently for the better. Even so, consult a doctor before attempting any form of dietary cleanse.


cleansing diet should not be a fasting diet. That is, it shouldn't have a component where you deprive yourself of food in favor of drinks or juices. Rather, it should simply include a balanced diet. This can include vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean sources of protein, such as poultry or fish. Some items that are typically eliminated across the board include caffeine, refined sugar, artificial sweeteners and alcohol. What's important is increasing your intake of raw vegetables and water to encourage your body to flush out waste and bring you to better health.

Health Benefits of Detoxing

1. Eliminating toxins from foods, beverages and hygiene products

natural beauty products Out of the many toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis that we have little to no control over, such as environmental toxins in the air we breathe, toxins that come from the food and beverages we consume are largely controllable. Many health experts agree that toxic load (the amount of toxins our body is able to handle) is responsible for a considerable amount of diseases in modern day society . Buying organic produce (fruits and vegetables), along with organic and grass-fed meat and wild fish, seriously decreases the amount of toxins you take in on a day to day basis.
And it doesn’t stop at food. Personal hygiene and home care products are often laden with toxic chemicals that can be harmful to our health. Simply cutting these toxins out offers huge health benefits in and of itself.

2. Increased energy throughout the day

While a detox diet might cause some fatigue early on (particularly for those who had a diet high in toxins beforehand), many people report feeling improved and more sustained energy during and after a detox diet. A major part of any good detox should be adequate hydration with clean water, and studies show that even mild dehydration (a fluid loss of under 3%), frequently causes headaches, anxiety, mood disorders and decreased cognitive performance .

3. Resetting your food choices

detox foodsThe number one goal of a high quality detox plan should be long-term, sustainable change. By undergoing a detox diet, you will not only be supporting your bodies detoxification pathways (as discussed above), but you will be resetting the way you eat, and the choices you make.

This means that an effective detox diet aimed at cutting out toxic foods and controlling cravings can significantly help in changing your habits in the long term.

4. Controlling cravings

It is a myth that cravings are controllable with just will-power alone. The truth is, cravings are based in hormonal imbalances, and need to be addressed and controlled as such. Cravings significantly impact binge eating and weight gain, and a smart detox plan can nip them in the bud.

5. Curbing food addiction

food addiction Food addiction is serious business, and is more than just your standard food cravings. Like any alcohol or drug addiction, people who are more biochemically prone to addiction can become addicted to food , and junk food manufacturers take full advantage of this by placing chemically addictive substances in their products. For individuals with a high level of dopamine receptors, they can become addicted to food just as they would get addicted to a drug ), as modern-day junk foods create a surge of dopamine to be released in the brain (similarly to cocaine, for example).

A detox diet that focuses on eliminating addictive foods and chemicals can greatly support recovering from a food addiction. Dietary changes mixed with certain herbs and supplements can be especially effective.

Again, addiction is serious and should not be confused with less problematic cravings.

6. Giving your body the micronutrients it needs

Micronutrient deficiency is one of the leading causes of disease and even mortality. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) points out some of the most common links, such as iron deficiency and anemia, iodine deficiency and thyroid conditions, vitamin A deficiency and degenerative eye disease, and zinc deficiency and respiratory and other immune conditions .

By undergoing a diet centered around nutrient dense superfoods and beverages, you will be ensuring that your body gets the essential vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants it needs for optimal health. And, many micronutrients are absolutely necessary for the bodies detoxification pathways to function properly .

7. Managing stress

A study published in Clinical Endocrinology found a link between high cortisol levels and fatty liver disease . Cortisol is our main stress hormone released during times of acute and chronic stress. When levels are higher than normal over a long period of time, this can cause a host of problems, including decreased liver function. By focusing on a detox diet high in blood sugar balancing foods, you will hormonally help to regulate cortisol levels, therefore actually working to manage stress on a chemical level.

In conclusion, embarking on a whole foods based detox program can have massive health benefits. Increased energy, reduced cravings and lowered stress levels are just some of the many ways you will leave your detox diet feeling better. And remember, the mark of a truly successful detox is that you are set on the path of positive and long term change.

Good Skin Detox Diet

Detox diets are intended to cleanse the body of toxins and waste products that accumulate from the air we breathe, the chemicals we use and the foods we eat. Many detox diets will help you lose weight as a result of calorie and food restrictions, but should not be conducted long-term without supervision to avoid adverse health risks. Detox diets may also help improve the health and appearance of your skin. The benefits of detoxing are not scientifically proven, and eating a well-balanced diet with regular exercise is the ideal method to achieve health benefits. Consult with a physician prior to making any dietary changes that could impact your health.


Water should be the primary beverage of choice in a healthy skin detox diet as it helps flush toxins from the body. This clear fluid is calorie-free, has no fat and no added sugars that can contribute to weight gain and poor digestion. Water helps push waste materials and undigested foods through the digestive tract for elimination.  The elimination of toxins through digestion helps prevent and relieve constipation and bloating that causes a puffy and pale skin appearance.

Aim for two extra glasses of water a day for at least 8 to 10 cups total or more depending on your individual needs.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables should form the foundation of a healthy detox diet for the skin. Most produce is low in calories, has little to no fat and no added sugars. Furthermore they are a source of essential vitamins and minerals that are needed for normal body processes, hormonal balance and the prevention and protection of diseases. The carotenoid pigments found in fruits and vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, oranges, squash and dark, leafy greens are rich in antioxidants that destroy free radicals, which may affect the skin as well as lead to disease. Include a variety of fruits and vegetables into your daily diet plan with each meal.

Healthy Fats

Healthy fats should be included on a detox diet to improve skin. Healthy fats are needed in the body for normal body functions, hormonal balance and vitamin absorption. MedlinePlus cites that fat maintains healthy hair and skin which benefits from the absorption of essential vitamins such as A, D, E and K. Unhealthy fats such as saturated and trans fats should be avoided as they contribute to the risk of heart disease, stroke and obesity. Include healthier unsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids with your detox diet in moderation to avoid excess caloric or fat intakes that lead to weight gain. Healthy food sources for a detox diet include olive oil drizzled over a vegetable salad, nuts and seeds for snacking or a small serving of roasted salmon served with dinner.


Although dietary choices may affect the quality of our skin's health and appearance, MedlinePlus cites that there is limited evidence that foods increase skin conditions such as acne and pimples on the skin. Other factors to consider that can cause acne or skin breakouts include hormonal changes, allergies or use of reactive skin products. To avoid or prevent breakouts, wash your face gently on a consistent basis, use sun protection and keep your hands away from your face as they carry a lot of germs. Avoiding stressful situations can decrease the risk of making skin conditions worse and preventing clear-ups.

9 Morning Detox Rituals That Will Change Your Life

Your morning detox rituals will set the tone for the day and can make all the difference in how many toxins you’re able to release. Follow as many of these rituals as you can, as many mornings as you can and you’ll start to see life-changing benefits over time.

Detox Ritual #1: Wake Up Early

Getting your body in line with the natural rhythm of life will pay big dividends in the detoxing process. Waking up early is not hard when you get to bed early the night before, and for the night owls out there this might be the hardest ritual to start. Your day really starts the night before, so be sure you’re getting the deepest, most restful sleep before midnight so you can wake up feeling refreshed at the 6 o’clock hour.

This is when your bowel and bladder are ready to be emptied, and prevents a backflow of toxins.

Detox Ritual #2: Coconut Oil Pulling

Before you do anything else, take a spoonful of coconut oil and swish it in your mouth for 5 to 20 minutes. This prevents the bacteria and toxins that have accumulated in the mouth from entering the body, and frees up your immune system by reducing the toxic load. Spit the oil into the trash when you’re done, rather than the sink to avoid any plumbing issues.

It’s important to do this before brushing your teeth, drinking water, or eating food. You’ll love the way the coconut oil tastes, and the way it blasts through that yucky morning breath.

Detox Ritual #3: Tongue Scraping

Once you’ve finished coconut oil pulling you can scrape your tongue to make sure that you’ve gotten all of the residue off of it. Then brush your teeth with an all-natural toothbrush. You can go with a stainless steel scraper or a plastic one, they’ll each help to scrape the layer of film from your tongue. When combined with oil pulling you won’t believe how fresh your mouth feels after brushing, with morning breath becoming a thing of the past.

Detox Ritual #4: Sun Salutations

One of the healthiest things you can do in the morning is get your body moving. It doesn’t have to be intense physical activity, and a series of poses and positions known as sun salutations covers all of your bases in just a few minutes. If you’re feeling ambitious and if time permits you can of course do any other exercise you enjoy, including yoga, jogging, or lifting weights. Detoxing can only occur with motion, first getting your detoxifying organs to perform their tasks, and then getting the body in motion to move those toxins out.

Detox Ritual #5: Dry Brushing

Before hopping in the shower use a body brush to slough off the This will get your lymph fluid circulating as long as you do it the right way. Use short strokes and always brush in the direction of your heart. Start at the feet and work up your legs until you get to your midsection. Then move to your arms all the way up to your shoulders. Next move to your tummy and finally get your back. You’ll notice a difference the first time you do it, but best results are seen from regular brushing, and making it a morning ritual that you do automatically.

Detox Ritual #6: Lemon Water

Drinking a glass of warm lemon water is the first step in helping the body get rid of toxic build-up in a natural way. It will fire up your digestive system, and help to hydrate the body after a night of sleep. The lemon provides enzymes to the liver so that it can prepare itself for the meals that will follow during the day. When compared to drinking plain water, or not drinking any water at all as your first order of business, lemon water has clear benefits you’ll be able to feel all morning long.

Detox Ritual #7: Detoxifying Breakfast

By now it’s been about 30 minutes since you drank your lemon water, and it’s time for a detoxifying breakfast. This can be something as simple as a detox smoothie, or a little more complex like a quinoa bowl or a specially prepared granola. Breakfast has long been touted as the most important meal of the day, and you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to nourish your body with vitamins and minerals it needs to power you through your day.

Detox Ritual #8: Meditation

Clearing your mind before you begin your day is a good way to ease stress and the toxic effect it can have on the body. This can be one of the hardest habits to get into, because often the busy-ness of the day will weigh on you and put you in a frantic state in the morning. But this is the best time to do it, and sets the tone for how the rest of your day will go. Find that inner feeling of peace and the rest of your day will flow with an ease that you just can’t get if you start frantically getting ready at the sound of your alarm.

Detox Ritual #9: Pack a Detox Lunch

Setting yourself up for success is part of the detox plan, and packing a lunch helps you avoid all of the temptations out there. Don’t leave it to chance or rely on what’s offered by food manufacturers. Take care of yourself with a detox salad, soup, or both. It may take a few minutes out of your morning, but you’ll be rewarded with a prepared lunch that leaves you feeling energized and recharged after lunch, and keeps you moving forward toward your detox goals.

Do Detox Diets Help You Lose Weight?

One of the most cited benefits of a detox diet is rapid weight loss. A loss as large as 20 pounds has been reported, ( on my juice  detox program ) so it is clear that using a detox diet can help promote weight loss. But, does this weight loss stem from fat loss, which are accompanied by a host of health benefits, or a more negative form of weight loss, such as muscle loss.

Some have stated that the rapid nature of weight loss can cause the preservation of fat and an accelerated rate of weight loss.  However, studies have shown that, so long as certain nutrients, such as protein, are kept at a sufficient level, then the rate at which weight loss occurs has less importance.

There is also a common criticism aimed at rapid weight loss diets, that it can cause damage to the metabolism, which can lead to a greater storage of fat and a more permanent negative effect in the body after the diet is finished and normal eating resumes.

But, some more recent research has also debated this, showing that, once the initial weight that was lost is regained, there is no permanent adverse effects of weight loss, either fast or slow.

So, it is clear that many of the detoxes out there can help you lose weight quickly, but to ensure that this weight loss comes from beneficial mechanisms such as fat loss, you will need to make sure that certain nutrients, like protein, are taken in adequate amounts (around 1.6 grams per kilogram of bodyweight per day).

Also, it’s important to make sure you’re getting in enough vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats to stay well nourished throughout the diet.

How Can Detox Teas Help You Lose Weight?

Now that we know that detox diets can be useful in helping you lose weight, the next question is: how does it happen and where do detox teas come in?

Detox Teas Boost Your Metabolic Rate?

Certain ingredients in detox teas have stimulant effects that raise your metabolic rate, causing you to burn more calories even at rest. These include tea leaves that contain caffeine, such as those derived from the Camellia sinensis plant. In one study, results showed that caffeine boosted metabolic rate by as high as 29 percent in lean individuals.

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, which then signals fat cells to break down fat . Another way caffeine assists in fat mobilization is by increasing levels of Epinephrine (Adrenaline) in the blood, which then travels to fat tissues and sends signals to break down fat and release them into the bloodstream.

Detox Teas are Low in Calories?

As with all weight loss diets, in order to achieve true fat loss, the detox diet must create a calorie deficit.

This is where calorie intake, which is the amount of energy a certain food provides in food, is reduced so the amount of energy that is spent in a day, through activities like exercise, or even essential tasks like breathing or sleeping, is greater than the energy provided from food.

This causes the body to use its fat stores to provide the energy that it is now lacking from food and causes subsequent weight loss. The greater this deficit is, the faster the weight loss will occur.

Considering that the average-sized man needs roughly 2,500 calories per day, and the average woman needs around 2,000 calories to maintain their weight, this explains how a detox diet, which usually has a calorie content in the triple digits, can cause weight loss so quickly.

Nutrient Timing and Intermittent Fasting?

Aside from simply taking in less calories from food, another means through which detox diets can affect weight and body composition is through the timing of certain nutrients and the use of Intermittent-Fasting type methods in their diets.

Nutrient timing is where certain nutrients, like protein or carbohydrates, are timed around a certain part of the day, like around your workout or in the afternoon.

Intermittent fasting is where eating and drinking is restricted to a set time period, like in the popular leangains intermittent fasting protocol, where eating occurs over an eight hour period each day, and then fasting occurs for the remaining sixteen hours.

Many detox diets include the above protocols, with many using a twenty-four hour fast to begin their diet. This can have a significant effect on fat loss and is surprisingly sparing with muscle loss. It may also have a few unique health benefits, including fighting aging and reducing inflammation.

So, while decreasing overall food intake is an important part of the detox diet for weight loss purposes, there is also a substantial role played by the timing of food intake in its overall effectiveness of fat loss and reported health benefits. However, once again, care should be taken to ensure that enough essential nutrients are being consumed during the feeding window to make sure health and fitness maintained.

Manipulation of Water Levels in the Body?

One final way in which some detox diets can promote weight loss is through the loss of water weight in the body.

Many detox diets emphasize liquids such as teas and liquidized forms of solid foods, such as fruits and vegetables. These types of diets have a far higher water content than most other types of diets.

This greater water intake can cause an increase in hormones such as aldosterone, which increases the amount of urine and sweat produced by the body.

When this increased water intake is reduced, this increased sweat and urine then leads to a significant loss in water weight that can also have a small effect in improving your physique.

This is a popular practice used by athletes like bodybuilders and MMA athletes that are looking to lose weight fast before a competition.


With the loss in water weight, along with the fat loss from the above two practices, it is clear that detox diets can be an effective way of losing weight and, provided a number of nutrients are still included in the diet, can help improve health and well-being.

Fat Burning Juice-Detox Drinks

26 Metabolism Boosting Drinks for Weight Loss?

1. Metabolism Boosting Teas

I love teas as a great replacement for coffee, and since these genmaicha and matcha teas have a bit of caffeine in them, they can be a way to boost your morning energy with antioxidants and slow-releasing caffeine. And they’re also excellent metabolism boosters for healthy weight!

2. Hemp Matcha Kale Power Boosting Smoothie

Boost both your energy and your metabolism with this smoothie, using hemp seeds, chia seeds, matcha powder, avocado, banana, oranges, kale, mango, kiwi, pineapple, and pomegranate arils. You won’t believe how much goodness is packed into this little smoothie!

3. Metabolism Boosting Smoothie
With strong brewed green tea, Greek yogurt, quick oats, banana, and mixed berries, this smoothie is a wonderful breakfast that will boost your metabolism (thanks, green tea!) and keep you full until lunch (thanks, quick oats!) while treating your gut and your taste buds with probiotic-rich yogurt and sweet berries.

4. Healing Morning Tonic
This cleansing and refreshing morning drink is great for the body and the soul, and it tastes lovely with citrus like grapefruit, lemon, limes, and oranges as well as fresh ingredients like fresh grated ginger, lemongrass, mint leaves, tonic water, and honey if you need it sweetened.

5. Belly Buster Green Juice
This juice is gorgeously yellow-green with apples, cucumber, lemon, lime, mandarins, and romaine lettuce. The citrus juices are great for stimulating a healthy metabolism, while the veggies and fruits adds flavors and nutrients you can get excited about.

6. Power Raspberry, Ginger, and Lemon Smoothie
Cleanse your body with this delicious creamy smoothie made with frozen raspberries, ginger, lemon juice and zest, milk of choice (I’d choose almond), and a high protein flour of your choice, such as coconut flour, almond flour, or other nut or seed flours.

7. Detoxifying Lemon Tea
This lemon tea is a version of a common and popular detox tea made from fresh lemon juice, pure maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. This one also has fresh mint and optional cinnamon, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, and fresh ginger. It’s sure to get your metabolism going!

8. Metabolism Boosting Blueberry Coconut Lime Smoothie
With lime juice and Greek yogurt, this smoothie is both cleansing and nourishing. I love the combination of tropical flavors like coconut, lime, and banana with temperature flavors like blueberry. This smoothie is super tasty and it’s a lovely purple color to boot!

9. Coconut Matcha Latte
Homemade matcha lattes are one of my very favorite hot drinks, and they’re so easy to make. Matcha tea is also excellent for helping to support a healthy metabolism! The vegan marshmallows are optional, but they really make this drink into a decadent but still-healthy

10. Ayurvedic Detox Drink
This detox tea is based on traditional Ayurvedic medicine, and it’s perfect for cleansing and calming your body. You’ll need sliced ginger, fresh turmeric, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, and a tea of choice: green tea, mint, ginger, or yerba.

11. Coconut Vanilla Almond Smoothie
I love fruit and veggie smoothies, but sometimes its nice to just enjoy a creamy vanilla flavor reminiscent of a milkshake. This metabolism-boosting smoothie is made with coconut milk, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, maca powder, vanilla extract, honey, and raw or roasted almonds.

12. Metabolism Boosting Berry Smoothie
Made with matcha powder and cinnamon, this super healthy smoothie promotes healthy weight loss with awesome flavors and ingredients like mixed berries, almond milk, almond butter, avocado, and psyllium husks with several optional add-ins.

13. Jet Fuel for a Sleepy Metabolism
This smoothie is sure to wake up your sleepy metabolism with green tea, coconut milk, frozen pineapple, banana, grapefruit, spinach, and plain whey protein or your favorite protein powder. With filling ingredients,

14. Spicy Mango Mandarin Smoothie
The cayenne pepper in this smoothie is great for your metabolism, but you can decrease the amount or leave it out altogether if you’re not a fan of spicy drinks. The mango and sweet mandarin orange are an excellent complement to the spiciness!

15. Celery Pear Healthy Green Juice
I love the vibrant color of this juice, and the fact that it still tastes sweet and delicious (from the pears) with all of those veggies like celery and kale. The fresh mint helps, too, and this juice is good for stimulating your metabolism to get going in the morning.

16. Ginger Banana Breakfast Shake
Ginger is wonderful for powering up your metabolism, and this smoothie also has sweet banana and creamy rice milk (or almond milk, or dairy milk). Honey and cardamom add deliciously sweet and spiced flavors. This is a great way to start your day with something yummy.

17. Green Apple Spinach Smoothie
Green smoothies are marvelous for your metabolism because their ingredients give it a boost, but you’re also getting powerful vitamins, minerals, and nutrients from the greens and sweet flavors from the fruits I love this one with Granny Smith apples, banana, fresh spinach, Greek yogurt, and a liquid of your choice.

18. Blueberry and Almond Butter Smoothie
This drink reminds me of the smoothie version (and extra healthy) of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It’s made with fresh blueberries and almond butter along with a few dried prunes for sweetness and almond milk for creamy goodness. This is a great replacement for a starchy breakfast.

19. Mango and Mint Smoothie
This smoothie is a sweet treat for a drink with ripe mango, almond milk, cardamom, mint leaves, and optional palm sugar for extra sweetness. Using smoothies as your treat instead of starchy baked goods is always a way to support your metabolism and healthy weight!

20. Beet Detox Smoothie
I’m surprised we’ve gotten this far without talking about beets yet! With their iron-rich, beautiful pink color, beets are an excellent ingredient for detox juices and smoothies. They have an earthy flavor that can be balanced with fruits like strawberries, blueberries, and banana, such as in this recipe.

21. Creamy Avocado Kale Smoothie
Healthy fats like avocado are supportive of a healthy metabolism and body weight, and they also make smoothies amazingly creamy. This super creamy smoothie also uses kale, cacao nibs, Greek yogurt, vanilla almond milk, frozen mango, and honey to sweeten.

22. Apple Carrot Tomato Juice
Here’s a sweet and savory metabolism-boosting juice that reminds me a little of V8, but homemade from fresh ingredients without additives. You’ll need apples, carrots, tomatoes, salt, ground black pepper, and water. The flavor is deliciously veggie-rich!

23. Skinny Pineapple Pear Smoothie
Combined with tropical pineapple, and sweet and spunky combination of ginger and pear is fabulously delicious and great for you’re your body and your taste buds. It’s also super easy to make, because besides those three ingredients, all you need is water and ice.

24. Sunshine State of Mind Juice Recipe
There’s nothing like a simple citrus juice to cheer you up on a gloomy morning or during a stressful work week. Fresh citrus is also good for your metabolism, and if you want to give it an even bigger boost, you can add a knob of ginger to the juicer. Yum!

25. Detox Spa Water
There’s nothing better for boosting your metabolism than switching from sugary drinks like sweetened coffee, soda, and store-bought juices to plain old water. Of course, you can make that water so much more appealing by adding infused flavors like mint, cucumber, and lemon.

26. Pineapple Citrus Smoothie
This smoothie is supportive of safe weight loss and a healthy metabolism. It nourishes your digestive system with pineapple, orange, grapefruit, prune juice, Greek yogurt, and chia seeds for hydrating and extra nutrients. And it’s so yummy

Refreshing Detox Water

2-3 liters water
2 large oranges, sliced
1 lemon, sliced
½ large cucumber, sliced
1 handful of fresh min
Put oranges, lemon and cucumber in the water pitcher. Using a long spoon, gently mash fruits/veggies; this will release more flavor.
Take the mint, and gently mash it to release the natural oils; add to the pitcher.
Add water to the pitcher, and stir to begin the infusion process.
Drink/serve immediately, or store in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.
*This water also tastes great when infused overnight; if doing so, consider removing the rinds from the lemon and oranges. This will cut down on the bitterness.

Cucumber Water with Lemon

Serves: 2
2 cups purified water
1 cucumber
10 parsley leaves
1 organic lemon, cut into thin slices

Wonder Water with Green Apple, Cucumber & Mint

2 litres/quarts filtered water
½ green apple (like Granny Smith)
3 inch (8cm) piece of cucumber
small handful mint leaves
squeeze of lemon or lime juice (optional)
Fill a large jug with the water.

Thinly slice the apple and cucumber. The more thinly you slice them the more surface area there is to release flavour into the water. Add the slices to the water.

Remove the mint leaves from their stems and slightly crush or twist them to help them release their flavour. Add them to the water.

Let chill and steep in the refrigerator overnight. Serve with plenty of ice cubes. Strain out the fruit to serve, or leave some pieces in.

Monday 22 January 2018

Vaginal steam home service by Melissa

Melissa  signature  v- steamer

At home program
Includes  your custom made v-steamer box  and signature  herbs and water.

A vaginal steam (V-Steam) is an effective and relaxing way to promote reproductive health. The V-Steams are ph balanced to help the body naturally cleanse the vaginal and uterine linings in a safe and gentle way. The warm steam and natural essential oils from the plants nourish and tonify the vaginal and uterine tissues. While improving circulation, the steams alleviate symptoms caused by, or related to, congestion in these tissues

V-Steam Directions
In a medium covered pot, pour 8 cups of water (preferably purified water).unnamed if need I can provide when coming.
Place one handful of ( Melissa v-steamer packages )
fresh herb(s) or 1/4 cup dried into the water.

Bring water to a soft boil for 5 minutes.
Turn of the heat, leave the lid on and steep for another 5 minutes with the lid on.

Pour 4 cups (half) of water into the bowl placed in you v-steamer box

Wave your hand 8-10 inches over the herbal water to make sure it is not too hot.

Remove you underwear and sit on the seat above the steaming water.
Drape a large blanket or sheet around your waist down to the floor making sure no steam escapes.

Make sure you keep yourself warm, keeping something on your feet (socks, slippers) and neck. You do not want any cold to get into your body while you are trying to warm it.

You should feel a warm, rolling heat for about 10-12 minutes.

11.When the steam dies down dump the water into the toilet. Starting with step #4 begin the second dosage. If it has cooled too much reheat but test again before sitting over the steam.

Benefits of a V-Steam include
Menstrual support
Clears dark menstrual blood from the beginning or ending of the cycle
Dysmenorrhea (painful periods aka cramping)
Irregular periods
Stop and start periods

Vaginal disorders:
Yeast infections and other vaginal bacteria
Support for Cervical Dysplasia
Vaginal dryness and painful intercourse

Fertility Enhancement
Increases cervical fluids
Helps relax the vaginal canal and cervix
Nourishes the and tonifies the uterine lining

Assisted Fertility Cycles
Increases the effectiveness of assisted (IVF, IUI, Donor). Please Note: consult an Arvigo Practitioner before using steams during these cycles!

Special Notes
It is very important to test the temperature of the steam before using. If it is too hot wait 15 seconds and test it again until it feels comfortably warm to steam with.

Do not add or use “essential oils” they are too strong and may burn sensitive genital tissue.

It can temporary increase menstrual flow with more dark fluids or debris. Menses may start earlier than usual due to the cleansing effect.

Plants: Dry or fresh plants are suggested. Also, if possible, use organic plants. Many plants you find on your spice rack are perfect. Most commonly used are basil (move fluids), rosemary (anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-microbial), oregano (antiseptic, antispasmodic, expectorant), calendula (anti- inflammatory), motherwort (tonifies, cramping, infections), mugwort (all purpose), marigolds (same properties as calendula).
Just to list a few.

*** Avoid V-Steams if you are pregnant, after ovulation (if attempts have been made to conceive,) if you are bleeding heavily, during the full flow of period, you have an acute infection, and/or you have vaginal sores .

APPOINTMENT via what's App 8768744330 / 8768643922

Monday 15 January 2018

Let's Talk Detox

Good detox Skin

Detox diets are intended to cleanse the body of toxins and waste products that accumulate from the air we breathe, the chemicals we use and the foods we eat. Many detox diets will help you lose weight as a result of calorie and food restrictions, but should not be conducted long-term without supervision to avoid adverse health risks. Detox diets may also help improve the health and appearance of your skin. The benefits of detoxing are not scientifically proven, and eating a well-balanced diet with regular exercise is the ideal method to achieve health benefits. Consult with a physician prior to making any dietary changes that could impact your health.


Water should be the primary beverage of choice in a healthy skin detox diet as it helps flush toxins from the body. This clear fluid is calorie-free, has no fat and no added sugars that can contribute to weight gain and poor digestion. Water helps push waste materials and undigested foods through the digestive tract for elimination.  Water elimination of toxins through digestion helps prevent and relieve constipation and bloating that causes a puffy and pale skin appearance. Aim for two extra glasses of water a day for at least 8 to 10 cups total or more depending on your individual needs.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables should form the foundation of a healthy detox diet for the skin. Most produce is low in calories, has little to no fat and no added sugars. Furthermore they are a source of essential vitamins and minerals that are needed for normal body processes, hormonal balance and the prevention and protection of diseases. The carotenoid pigments found in fruits and vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, oranges, squash and dark, leafy greens are rich in antioxidants that destroy free radicals, which may affect the skin as well as lead to disease. Include a variety of fruits and vegetables into your daily diet plan with each meal.

Healthy Fats

Healthy fats should be included on a detox diet to improve skin. Healthy fats are needed in the body for normal body functions, hormonal balance and vitamin absorption.  Fat maintains healthy hair and skin which benefits from the absorption of essential vitamins such as A, D, E and K. Unhealthy fats such as saturated and trans fats should be avoided as they contribute to the risk of heart disease, stroke and obesity. Include healthier unsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids with your detox diet in moderation to avoid excess caloric or fat intakes that lead to weight gain. Healthy food sources for a detox diet include olive oil drizzled over a vegetable salad, nuts and seeds for snacking or a small serving of roasted salmon served with  vegetables  for  dinner

Monday 8 January 2018


1. Remember that it can't grow overnight. Unless your scalp unleashes new strands like a Chia Pet, gaining new length is going to take time. "Hair typically only grows about a quarter of an inch — to a half an inch max — a month, And that's only if it is super-healthy and doesn't have a ton of split ends." The bottom line: Practice patience.
2. Ironically, scissors are your friend. Although getting regular trims to snip splits won't make your hair actually grow faster, it will keep tips looking healthy and prevent splits from working their way up strands, requiring you to chop hair off more often. "If you wait so long that splits are causing your hair to break off high up on the strand, your hair will actually be shorter than if you get consistent trims," asking your stylist to take around just an eighth of an inch off every 10 to 12 weeks to prevent extreme split ends before they start.
3. Use conditioner every time you shampoo. "If your hair is wet, that means you have to condition it,". "Over time, from coloring and heat styling, strands start to get thinner at the bottom." Conditioner helps replace the lipids and proteins inside the hair shaft, "as well as seal the cuticle to help prevent more damage from happening so that you can get your hair to grow longer and look healthier."
4. And don't shampoo every time you shower. "It's shocking to me how many women skip conditioner when showering, which is the worst thing you can do for your hair — especially when you're trying to grow it long — and it's actually shampoo that you should be skipping as much as possible,"  Here's why: The purpose of shampoo is to wash away dirt and product buildup, but it can also take essential natural oils that keep strands soft and healthy along with it. When you really do need shampoo, be gentler on your hair by only lathering up at your scalp and then simply letting the suds slide down strands, hitting the rest of the hair as the water rinses it away.
5. Apply an oil or mask treatment weekly. Hair that touches your shoulders or beyond can be several years old and most likely needs more TLC than normal conditioner. Experts  suggests using moisture-based masks and oils weekly. "I make a natural oil treatment and give it to all of my clients to use pre-shampoo," (what's app to order yours 8768643922 / 8768744330) Because oils can leave a residue on hair, I suggest  to apply it to damp hair, leave it on for 10 minutes, then shampoo and condition like normal. "These oils are able to fill strands up with fatty acids and then, when rinsed out, using regular shampoo helps seal them inside hair,"
6. Consider trying hair-boosting supplements. Your body requires many vital nutrients to create new hair, from ample protein to a slew of essential minerals. So take a look at your diet — because while eating a balanced diet helps, you may not be getting the proper amount of all the hair-building nutrients needed to create healthy hair that can grow super-long and withstand damage. "I take Viviscal Extra Strength and biotin tablets every day and tell my clients to do so as well — especially if they want to grow their hair and make it healthier as soon as it comes out of the follicle." Before starting to take supplements, it's best to check in with your doctor to make sure that you take the right amounts and that they won't interact with any medications you're currently taking.
7. Brush your hair like it's spun from gold. Constant brushing can cause physical harm to your hair. "When you detangle wet hair, be sure to start from the bottom and work your way up — we often instinctually go from the scalp down, but that just brings small tangles into one large knot and can cause you to lose a lot of hair," i also suggests Natural Boar Bristle Brush, as boar bristle brushes are good at distributing your scalp's natural oils down your hair and being extra-gentle on strands too.
8. Ditch your cotton pillowcase. i strongly recommend switching to a sateen fabric such as Calvin Klein Sateen White Sheeting ( or special  order  yours today ) because it has a softer surface that won't cause friction the way that regularly woven cotton does with your hair, so you'll wake up with fewer tangles.
9. Never, ever wrap your hair in a massive towel again. What could be so bad about putting hair in your super-soft bath towel? A lot. "It causes so much breakage,"  "Your hair gets caught in all the woven fibers and since most women almost always wrap it too tight around their face, all those tiny, fragile strands around your face are more prone to break." Opt for the super-thin and soft microfiber hair towels instead (like Aquis microfiber hair towel), which are totally OK to wrap into a turban.
10. Switch up your pony placement. It's an easy move that can help maintain the integrity of your strands wherever you tend to secure your ponytail all the time, which means they'll continue to grow out strong and damage-free.
11. If you have bleached (or dry, super-fragile) hair, skip putting it up with a hair tie at all. One ponytail — one! — can give you what stylists refer to as a "chemical cut." This is where your hair literally breaks off at the point of tension where the elastic ends up being wrapped around your hair to hold it into place. Instead, if you're looking to work out and want your hair off your neck, gently twist your hair into a bun and clip it with a tiny claw clip, bobby pin, or larger pin, like one from Goody Colour Collection 12-Pack Mini Claw Clip or YS Park Gold 4-Inch Hair Pin.
12. Do a cold-water rinse at the end of each shower. "This really does help to grow hair and keep long hair healthy for longer," "Cold water lays down the outer layer of hair more smoothly, which helps prevent moisture loss, snags and heat damage — you only need to do it for a few seconds, but this one extra step over time can make a huge difference."
How to Grow Hair Fast Naturally
Did you just get a short haircut and are now finding yourself  regretting it? Luckily for you, there are lots of ways to  encourage it to grow fast, healthy, and strong. Massaging  your scalp or applying special hair treatments are both  good bets. Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet can also help encourage your hair to grow. Most importantly, however, make sure that you take good care of your hair to prevent damage from occurring. Damaged, unhealthy hair tends to break, which won't help at all if you're trying to grow it out!
Part 1
Trying Scalp and Hair Treatments
1Massage your scalp. Massaging any part of your body improves circulation by increasing blood flow to the area, and your scalp is no exception. When you massage your scalp, the increased blood flow stimulates your hair follicles to grow. Scalp massage is a simple and easy technique for helping your hair grow in healthy and fast.
[1] Try massaging your scalp every time you take a shower. Use the tips of your fingers to gently rub your scalp in a circular motion. Be sure to cover the front, back and sides of your head.
Repeat the process as much as you like. It has the added benefit of reducing tension and helping you feel calm.
2 Rub your scalp with essential oils. Certain essential oils have been shown to help stimulate new hair growth. Increase the benefits of your scalp massage by working in a small amount of essential oil. Pour five to ten drops of oil over your fingertips and massage the oil all over your scalp.
Try one of these essential oils: Peppermint, which improves circulation. Tea tree oil, which soothes the scalp and helps improve dandruff.
Lemon oil, which promotes healthy hair growth.
3 Do an oil conditioning treatment. This serves the dual purpose of helping promote hair growth and keeping the hair you have strong and soft. Coconut oil, almond oil and castor oil are all thought to help hair grow in thick and strong. To do a conditioning treatment, follow these
Wet your hair and massage one to two tablespoons of oil into your scalp for five minutes.
Run your fingers through your hair to distribute the oil from your roots to the tips of your hair. You can also use a wide-tooth comb.
Cover your hair with a shower cap and let the oil soak in for one to two hours.
Shampoo your hair as normal. You may have to wash it twice to remove excess oil.
4 Make a restorative hair mask. If your hair is dry or thin, treating it with a nutritious mask can help restore its luster. A restorative hair mask may not help your hair grow quickly, but by protecting the hair you have, it will keep you from having to trim off split ends and take a step backward on your journey to having longer hair.
Here's how to make a hair mask:
Crack one egg into a bowl and beat it lightly.
Mix in two tablespoons of plain yogurt and one tablespoon of honey.
Apply to wet hair and let it sit for 20 minutes.
Shampoo your hair as normal to wash out the mask.
5 Use a boar bristle brush. This is a special type of brush made with natural fibers that closely resemble the texture of human hair. It is used to pull sebum, the natural oil secreted by your scalp, all the way to the tips of your hair. This protects your hair from roots to tips and keeps it healthy and strong. Here's how to use one:
Place the brush against your scalp and rub it back and forth to massage your head and pick up your natural oil.
In one long stroke, pull the brush from your roots to the tips of your hair. Keep stroking the same section of hair until it looks glossy and smooth.
Continue this process section by section until you have massaged your entire scalp and brushed out all of your hair.
Make sure you get a boar bristle brush. This doesn't work with plastic or metal brushes.
6 Know what not to use on your hair. When your goal is to grow your hair out fast, it's important to pay attention to the products you use. Many products contain chemicals that can damage your hair and cause it to be dry and brittle. Aim to use products that are composed of mainly natural ingredients.
Avoid products that contain the following:
Sulfates: found in shampoo, these are harsh cleansers that strip your hair of natural oils and dry it out.
Silicones: found in conditioner, these build up in your hair and cause it to look weighed down and dull.
Alcohols: found in hairspray, gel and other styling products, these dry out your hair and cause it to get brittle.
Part 2
Being Healthy From the Inside Out
1 Eat plenty of protein. Hair is mostly composed of protein, making it the most important component of a hair-healthy diet. Examine your diet and make sure you're getting plenty of protein every day. When your diet is protein deficient, your body doesn't produce as much hair.
Eat lean meats, fish, eggs and dairy products high in protein.
Beans, leafy greens and tofu are good sources of protein for vegetarians.
2 Eat biotin. This is a B vitamin essential for hair growth. Since it is mostly found in animal products, vegetarians and vegans often find that they have a b vitamin deficiency.
To make sure you get plenty of b vitamins in your diet, eat the following foods:
Eggs, nuts, salmon, avocados, meat products and wheat bran.
If you feel you aren't able to meet your b vitamin needs with food alone, consider taking a biotin supplement.
3 Eat Vitamins A and C. These vitamins help hair stay glossy and healthy. When you aren't getting enough vitamin A or C, your hair can become weak and dull. Make sure you're eating plenty of the following:
Sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, butternut squash and pumpkin, which are all rich in Vitamin A.
Broccoli, leafy greens, peppers, and citrus fruits, which contain high amounts of Vitamin C.
4 Eat omega 3 fatty acids. These "good" fats support your scalp's health and promote healthy growth of hair and skin cells. Omega 3 fatty acid is found in salmon, sardines, mackerel, flax seeds and walnuts. You can take fish or flax seed oil supplements if you don't enjoy eating foods that are rich in omega 3s.
5 Stay hydrated. When your body is dehydrated, it shows in your hair. Your hair can become dry, brittle and more prone to breakage. When your hair breaks and frays, it's more difficult to grow it into the longer style you're after. Make sure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water every day.
Try replacing coffee, soda and alcoholic drinks with water whenever possible.
Carry a water bottle with you throughout the day so you'll never have to go thirsty.
6 See a doctor if your hair is falling out. Sometimes hair loss or extremely slow growth has an underlying cause that can't be fixed using at-home methods. If you believe that your hair loss may be a symptom of a more serious illness, make an appointment with your doctor right away. Once you get the underlying problem treated, your hair should start to grow faster. Here are a few conditions that cause hair loss:
Scalp infections or skin disorders
Alopecia areata, a disorder that causes patchy hair loss
Trichotillomania, a disorder that leads you to pull out your hair
Certain medications cause hair loss
Hormonal changes can cause hair loss 
Part 3
Changing Hair-Care Habits
1Shampoo your hair less often. Washing your hair every day can cause it to get dry and brittle. Each time you shampoo your hair, you wash away the protective oil that keeps it healthy and strong. When you're trying to grow your hair fast, it's best to wash your hair no more than once or twice a week.
In between washes, use dry shampoo to keep your roots from looking oily.
When you wash your hair, handle it gently. Don't scrub it or wring it out. Rinse with lukewarm or cool water instead of hot.
2 Don't use heat styling tools. Air drying is really the healthiest choice when it comes to growing out your hair. Drying your hair with a hair dryer eventually weakens the hair shaft and leads to damage. The same goes for other heat styling tools like curling irons, flat irons and hot rollers.
After your shower, pat your hair dry with a towel. Don't roughly towel it dry.
Comb it out with a wide tooth comb. Apply product, such as leave-in conditioner, then let it fully air dry.
3 Never brush your hair when it's wet. When your hair is wet, it stretches and breaks much more easily than when it is dry. That's why brushing your hair when it's wet is so damaging. It leads to breakage, frizz and split ends. Instead, use a wide tooth comb to gently detangle your hair. Start near the tips and work your way up to the roots, rather than dragging the comb down through your hair to pull out tangles.
4 Avoid harsh hair treatments and styles. Dyeing, bleaching, and chemically straightening your hair can cause a lot of damage. It's better to leave your hair in its natural state while you're trying to grow it out. You should also avoid hair styles that can pull out the hair, like tight weaves or braids.
If you're determined to lighten or color your hair, use a natural method that doesn't cause damage. Try lightening your hair with honey or dyeing it with henna.
Learn to love your natural look. If your hair is curly or kinky, there's no natural method that will make it look perfectly straight. Fast-growing, free-flowing hair is beautiful.
5 Protect it from the elements. The sun, air pollution, and pool chlorine are among the environmental elements that can damage your hair. If your hair is particularly fragile, it's a good idea to protect it, just as you would your skin.
When you go out in strong sun, wear a hat to cover your hair.
If you live in a place with high air pollution, cover your hair with a scarf or hat while you're out on the city streets.
When you swim in pools, wear a swim cap to protect your hair from chlorine.
Home Remedies for Hair Growth
Having long, thick, and lustrous locks is a cherished desire of many. This makes the problems of thinning hair or hair loss very upsetting for some people, women and men alike.
Common causes of hair loss include nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalance, stress, use of improper hairstyles, heating tools, chemical-laden hair products, genetics, and various other reasons.
But you need not worry. There are some home remedies that can help nourish your hair and promote new growth. These remedies will prove to be highly effective if you follow them regularly for at least a month.
Here are the top 10 home remedies for hair growth.
hair growth home remedies
1. Scalp Massage and Hot Oil Treatment
Massaging your scalp helps improve circulation and hence stimulates hair growth, and you only need to do it for about five minutes daily to see results. Just rub your fingers on your scalp in a circular motion, applying gentle pressure and kneading occasionally to open up the blood vessels and increase blood flow.
Massaging can also be combined with a hot oil treatment once or twice a week. Heat some coconut or olive oil in a microwave or a double-boiler. Heating it will help it penetrate the hair shaft easily and also reduce dandruff.
Put the hot oil on your hair and comb it through to ensure even distribution and reduce breakage during shampooing. Wear a plastic cap or wrap a warm towel around your head (use a hair dryer to heat the towel) and leave it on for at least half an hour before shampooing.
Another popular tip is to flip your hair upside down for two to four minutes daily.
2. Rosemary
Rosemary is an excellent herb for your hair. It promotes growth of long hair, strengthens the roots, and eliminates dandruff. The herb has antioxidant properties that boost hair growth. In addition, the sulfur and silica content in rosemary helps reverse hair loss.
Rosemary will help increase circulation to the scalp and unclog blocked hair follicles. Furthermore, it can help darken your hair.
Mix two drops of rosemary essential oil in two tablespoons of a base oil such as olive, coconut, jojoba, almond or avocado oil. Apply it on your hair and massage the scalp. Leave it on for at least half an hour and then shampoo your hair as usual.
You can also use rosemary water as a final hair rinse. To prepare it, steep two or three rosemary sprigs in two cups of hot water for about five minutes. If you have the dried form of the herb, boil a handful of it in water. Allow it to cool and then strain the infusion. Rinse your hair with it after shampooing.
You can use both these remedies several times a week.
3. Castor Oil
Castor oil facilitates hair growth because it is rich in omega-9 fatty acids and vitamin E. The thick oil moisturizes your hair, adds volume, prevents frizzing, and also fights scalp infections.
It is best to mix castor oil with an equal amount of a base oil to get a better consistency and enhance the benefits. Rub it on your scalp and massage. Leave it on for 30 to 45 minutes. Finally, rinse it out and shampoo your hair. If it is difficult to remove, use a clarifying shampoo.
To make it more effective, mix four drops of rosemary essential oil in an ounce of castor oil and then use it on your hair and scalp.
4. Eggs
Hair is made up of keratin protein and eggs are a great source of protein. Thus, they are highly beneficial in helping your hair grow.
home remedy for hair growth
Whisk two egg yolks and mix in two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply the mixture on your scalp and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse it out with cold water and then shampoo your hair as usual.
Alternatively, mix one egg and one-quarter cup each of plain yogurt and mayonnaise in a blender. Apply this hair mask and cover your hair with a shower cap. Leave it on for at least half an hour before rinsing it out.
5. Indian Gooseberry
When dealing with hair loss, you can apply coconut oil infused with Indian gooseberry, or amla, to encourage hair growth. It will help greatly with premature graying as well.
Heat some coconut oil in a pan and cook dried amla pieces in it until they are charred. Strain and cool the oil.
Massage your hair and scalp with it. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes.
Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
Do this on a weekly basis.
Alternatively, you can apply a mixture of one tablespoon each of dried Indian gooseberry powder and lemon juice. Simply applying fresh amla juice is also useful.
6. Lemon Juice
Lemons are rich in vitamin C and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, folic acid, and other nutrients. Plus, they are loaded with antioxidants. In addition to hair growth, lemon juice promotes smooth, shiny, dandruff-free hair. When applied on the scalp, it stimulates circulation and hence prevents hair loss. Do not use lemon juice in excess though, as it can lighten your hair color over time.
Mix one part lemon juice and two parts of coconut or olive oil.
Apply it on your hair and scalp and leave it on for 30 to 45 minutes.
Wash it out and then shampoo your hair with a mild shampoo.
Repeat once or twice a week.
7. Beetroot Juice
Beetroot is a vegetable that can be juiced in a juicer or simply run in a blender and then pressed through a strainer. It is packed with protein, carotenoids,vitamins B and C, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and silica. To facilitate hair growth, drink beetroot juice regularly.
You can also combine it with juices of other vegetables such as cucumbers, carrots, coriander, lettuce, or others that you like. For example, you can prepare a healthy drink by blending together half a beet, half a cucumber, and five carrots. Strain it, if needed, and drink the juice.
Alfalfa juice extracted from alfalfa sprouts is also beneficial for hair growth because it is rich in vitamins A, B-complex, and E, as well as calcium, magnesium, folic acid, and zinc.
8. Fenugreek
Fenugreek, or methi, is considered good for hair growth as it is rich in protein. Plus, it contains lecithin that strengthens and moisturizes your hair.
Soak a cup of fenugreek seeds in water overnight, or at least for four hours.
Take them out of the water and grind them into a paste.
Apply coconut oil on your hair, followed by the paste. Let it sit for at least an hour before rinsing it out and shampooing your hair.
Repeat the process two or three times a week.
9. Fish Oil
Fish oils are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that not only promote smooth, shiny hair, but also encourage healthy hair growth. Oftentimes, a deficiency of these fatty acids impedes hair growth.
Take fish oil supplements daily for at least a month. If you just cannot stand the smell of fish oils, consider taking flaxseed oil. You can also include flax seeds in your diet.
10. Coconut Milk
Coconut milk contains vitamins B, C, and E, as well as calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, selenium, and numerous other nutrients. It nourishes your hair, promotes hair growth, and prevents hair loss. You can simply include fresh coconut milk in your diet, or try one of these remedies.
Massage your scalp with coconut milk, leave it on for at least half an hour and then wash it out with lukewarm water. Do this two to four times a month.
Apply a combination of one-quarter cup each of coconut milk, wheat germ oil, and aloe vera gel. All these ingredients encourage hair growth, and aloe vera contains an enzyme that decreases hair loss.
Mix coconut milk with avocado pulp, olive oil, and a little honey to make a nourishing hair mask.
Besides these natural cures, diet plays an important role in healthy hair growth. So, enjoy fresh and nutritious foods in your diet, particularly green leafy vegetables and dairy products as protein and B vitamins are nourishing for your hair.
If you are experiencing hair problems due to a medical condition or medications, consult your doctor for proper treatment of the underlying cause.

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