Thursday 25 January 2018


What is a detox?

lemon water detox Let’s start with the basics, as there is quite a bit of confusion around the topic of detoxing. A detox diet aims to help the body rid itself of toxins. Of course, the human body has many natural detox pathways via the liver, urine, sweat and feces. While it is a complex process, the liver neutralizes toxic substances, and then releases them from the body

A diet specifically for further detox claims to help the bodies vital organs rest and recover, support and increase liver function, and give you a “boost” of important micronutrients.

Detox diets come in many forms, although most involve some sort of fast (water, juice or broth), and are followed by a period of clean eating. Some include smoothies, supplements, herbs, teas, enemas, and other methods of promoting detoxification.

Cleansing or detox diets are intended to clear your system and improve your health. If you want to make a real change in your health and not just a temporary fix, adopting a new diet for the long haul is a sounder option.cleansing diet, however, can help you change your eating habits permanently for the better. Even so, consult a doctor before attempting any form of dietary cleanse.


cleansing diet should not be a fasting diet. That is, it shouldn't have a component where you deprive yourself of food in favor of drinks or juices. Rather, it should simply include a balanced diet. This can include vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean sources of protein, such as poultry or fish. Some items that are typically eliminated across the board include caffeine, refined sugar, artificial sweeteners and alcohol. What's important is increasing your intake of raw vegetables and water to encourage your body to flush out waste and bring you to better health.

Health Benefits of Detoxing

1. Eliminating toxins from foods, beverages and hygiene products

natural beauty products Out of the many toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis that we have little to no control over, such as environmental toxins in the air we breathe, toxins that come from the food and beverages we consume are largely controllable. Many health experts agree that toxic load (the amount of toxins our body is able to handle) is responsible for a considerable amount of diseases in modern day society . Buying organic produce (fruits and vegetables), along with organic and grass-fed meat and wild fish, seriously decreases the amount of toxins you take in on a day to day basis.
And it doesn’t stop at food. Personal hygiene and home care products are often laden with toxic chemicals that can be harmful to our health. Simply cutting these toxins out offers huge health benefits in and of itself.

2. Increased energy throughout the day

While a detox diet might cause some fatigue early on (particularly for those who had a diet high in toxins beforehand), many people report feeling improved and more sustained energy during and after a detox diet. A major part of any good detox should be adequate hydration with clean water, and studies show that even mild dehydration (a fluid loss of under 3%), frequently causes headaches, anxiety, mood disorders and decreased cognitive performance .

3. Resetting your food choices

detox foodsThe number one goal of a high quality detox plan should be long-term, sustainable change. By undergoing a detox diet, you will not only be supporting your bodies detoxification pathways (as discussed above), but you will be resetting the way you eat, and the choices you make.

This means that an effective detox diet aimed at cutting out toxic foods and controlling cravings can significantly help in changing your habits in the long term.

4. Controlling cravings

It is a myth that cravings are controllable with just will-power alone. The truth is, cravings are based in hormonal imbalances, and need to be addressed and controlled as such. Cravings significantly impact binge eating and weight gain, and a smart detox plan can nip them in the bud.

5. Curbing food addiction

food addiction Food addiction is serious business, and is more than just your standard food cravings. Like any alcohol or drug addiction, people who are more biochemically prone to addiction can become addicted to food , and junk food manufacturers take full advantage of this by placing chemically addictive substances in their products. For individuals with a high level of dopamine receptors, they can become addicted to food just as they would get addicted to a drug ), as modern-day junk foods create a surge of dopamine to be released in the brain (similarly to cocaine, for example).

A detox diet that focuses on eliminating addictive foods and chemicals can greatly support recovering from a food addiction. Dietary changes mixed with certain herbs and supplements can be especially effective.

Again, addiction is serious and should not be confused with less problematic cravings.

6. Giving your body the micronutrients it needs

Micronutrient deficiency is one of the leading causes of disease and even mortality. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) points out some of the most common links, such as iron deficiency and anemia, iodine deficiency and thyroid conditions, vitamin A deficiency and degenerative eye disease, and zinc deficiency and respiratory and other immune conditions .

By undergoing a diet centered around nutrient dense superfoods and beverages, you will be ensuring that your body gets the essential vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants it needs for optimal health. And, many micronutrients are absolutely necessary for the bodies detoxification pathways to function properly .

7. Managing stress

A study published in Clinical Endocrinology found a link between high cortisol levels and fatty liver disease . Cortisol is our main stress hormone released during times of acute and chronic stress. When levels are higher than normal over a long period of time, this can cause a host of problems, including decreased liver function. By focusing on a detox diet high in blood sugar balancing foods, you will hormonally help to regulate cortisol levels, therefore actually working to manage stress on a chemical level.

In conclusion, embarking on a whole foods based detox program can have massive health benefits. Increased energy, reduced cravings and lowered stress levels are just some of the many ways you will leave your detox diet feeling better. And remember, the mark of a truly successful detox is that you are set on the path of positive and long term change.

Good Skin Detox Diet

Detox diets are intended to cleanse the body of toxins and waste products that accumulate from the air we breathe, the chemicals we use and the foods we eat. Many detox diets will help you lose weight as a result of calorie and food restrictions, but should not be conducted long-term without supervision to avoid adverse health risks. Detox diets may also help improve the health and appearance of your skin. The benefits of detoxing are not scientifically proven, and eating a well-balanced diet with regular exercise is the ideal method to achieve health benefits. Consult with a physician prior to making any dietary changes that could impact your health.


Water should be the primary beverage of choice in a healthy skin detox diet as it helps flush toxins from the body. This clear fluid is calorie-free, has no fat and no added sugars that can contribute to weight gain and poor digestion. Water helps push waste materials and undigested foods through the digestive tract for elimination.  The elimination of toxins through digestion helps prevent and relieve constipation and bloating that causes a puffy and pale skin appearance.

Aim for two extra glasses of water a day for at least 8 to 10 cups total or more depending on your individual needs.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables should form the foundation of a healthy detox diet for the skin. Most produce is low in calories, has little to no fat and no added sugars. Furthermore they are a source of essential vitamins and minerals that are needed for normal body processes, hormonal balance and the prevention and protection of diseases. The carotenoid pigments found in fruits and vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, oranges, squash and dark, leafy greens are rich in antioxidants that destroy free radicals, which may affect the skin as well as lead to disease. Include a variety of fruits and vegetables into your daily diet plan with each meal.

Healthy Fats

Healthy fats should be included on a detox diet to improve skin. Healthy fats are needed in the body for normal body functions, hormonal balance and vitamin absorption. MedlinePlus cites that fat maintains healthy hair and skin which benefits from the absorption of essential vitamins such as A, D, E and K. Unhealthy fats such as saturated and trans fats should be avoided as they contribute to the risk of heart disease, stroke and obesity. Include healthier unsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids with your detox diet in moderation to avoid excess caloric or fat intakes that lead to weight gain. Healthy food sources for a detox diet include olive oil drizzled over a vegetable salad, nuts and seeds for snacking or a small serving of roasted salmon served with dinner.


Although dietary choices may affect the quality of our skin's health and appearance, MedlinePlus cites that there is limited evidence that foods increase skin conditions such as acne and pimples on the skin. Other factors to consider that can cause acne or skin breakouts include hormonal changes, allergies or use of reactive skin products. To avoid or prevent breakouts, wash your face gently on a consistent basis, use sun protection and keep your hands away from your face as they carry a lot of germs. Avoiding stressful situations can decrease the risk of making skin conditions worse and preventing clear-ups.

9 Morning Detox Rituals That Will Change Your Life

Your morning detox rituals will set the tone for the day and can make all the difference in how many toxins you’re able to release. Follow as many of these rituals as you can, as many mornings as you can and you’ll start to see life-changing benefits over time.

Detox Ritual #1: Wake Up Early

Getting your body in line with the natural rhythm of life will pay big dividends in the detoxing process. Waking up early is not hard when you get to bed early the night before, and for the night owls out there this might be the hardest ritual to start. Your day really starts the night before, so be sure you’re getting the deepest, most restful sleep before midnight so you can wake up feeling refreshed at the 6 o’clock hour.

This is when your bowel and bladder are ready to be emptied, and prevents a backflow of toxins.

Detox Ritual #2: Coconut Oil Pulling

Before you do anything else, take a spoonful of coconut oil and swish it in your mouth for 5 to 20 minutes. This prevents the bacteria and toxins that have accumulated in the mouth from entering the body, and frees up your immune system by reducing the toxic load. Spit the oil into the trash when you’re done, rather than the sink to avoid any plumbing issues.

It’s important to do this before brushing your teeth, drinking water, or eating food. You’ll love the way the coconut oil tastes, and the way it blasts through that yucky morning breath.

Detox Ritual #3: Tongue Scraping

Once you’ve finished coconut oil pulling you can scrape your tongue to make sure that you’ve gotten all of the residue off of it. Then brush your teeth with an all-natural toothbrush. You can go with a stainless steel scraper or a plastic one, they’ll each help to scrape the layer of film from your tongue. When combined with oil pulling you won’t believe how fresh your mouth feels after brushing, with morning breath becoming a thing of the past.

Detox Ritual #4: Sun Salutations

One of the healthiest things you can do in the morning is get your body moving. It doesn’t have to be intense physical activity, and a series of poses and positions known as sun salutations covers all of your bases in just a few minutes. If you’re feeling ambitious and if time permits you can of course do any other exercise you enjoy, including yoga, jogging, or lifting weights. Detoxing can only occur with motion, first getting your detoxifying organs to perform their tasks, and then getting the body in motion to move those toxins out.

Detox Ritual #5: Dry Brushing

Before hopping in the shower use a body brush to slough off the This will get your lymph fluid circulating as long as you do it the right way. Use short strokes and always brush in the direction of your heart. Start at the feet and work up your legs until you get to your midsection. Then move to your arms all the way up to your shoulders. Next move to your tummy and finally get your back. You’ll notice a difference the first time you do it, but best results are seen from regular brushing, and making it a morning ritual that you do automatically.

Detox Ritual #6: Lemon Water

Drinking a glass of warm lemon water is the first step in helping the body get rid of toxic build-up in a natural way. It will fire up your digestive system, and help to hydrate the body after a night of sleep. The lemon provides enzymes to the liver so that it can prepare itself for the meals that will follow during the day. When compared to drinking plain water, or not drinking any water at all as your first order of business, lemon water has clear benefits you’ll be able to feel all morning long.

Detox Ritual #7: Detoxifying Breakfast

By now it’s been about 30 minutes since you drank your lemon water, and it’s time for a detoxifying breakfast. This can be something as simple as a detox smoothie, or a little more complex like a quinoa bowl or a specially prepared granola. Breakfast has long been touted as the most important meal of the day, and you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to nourish your body with vitamins and minerals it needs to power you through your day.

Detox Ritual #8: Meditation

Clearing your mind before you begin your day is a good way to ease stress and the toxic effect it can have on the body. This can be one of the hardest habits to get into, because often the busy-ness of the day will weigh on you and put you in a frantic state in the morning. But this is the best time to do it, and sets the tone for how the rest of your day will go. Find that inner feeling of peace and the rest of your day will flow with an ease that you just can’t get if you start frantically getting ready at the sound of your alarm.

Detox Ritual #9: Pack a Detox Lunch

Setting yourself up for success is part of the detox plan, and packing a lunch helps you avoid all of the temptations out there. Don’t leave it to chance or rely on what’s offered by food manufacturers. Take care of yourself with a detox salad, soup, or both. It may take a few minutes out of your morning, but you’ll be rewarded with a prepared lunch that leaves you feeling energized and recharged after lunch, and keeps you moving forward toward your detox goals.

Do Detox Diets Help You Lose Weight?

One of the most cited benefits of a detox diet is rapid weight loss. A loss as large as 20 pounds has been reported, ( on my juice  detox program ) so it is clear that using a detox diet can help promote weight loss. But, does this weight loss stem from fat loss, which are accompanied by a host of health benefits, or a more negative form of weight loss, such as muscle loss.

Some have stated that the rapid nature of weight loss can cause the preservation of fat and an accelerated rate of weight loss.  However, studies have shown that, so long as certain nutrients, such as protein, are kept at a sufficient level, then the rate at which weight loss occurs has less importance.

There is also a common criticism aimed at rapid weight loss diets, that it can cause damage to the metabolism, which can lead to a greater storage of fat and a more permanent negative effect in the body after the diet is finished and normal eating resumes.

But, some more recent research has also debated this, showing that, once the initial weight that was lost is regained, there is no permanent adverse effects of weight loss, either fast or slow.

So, it is clear that many of the detoxes out there can help you lose weight quickly, but to ensure that this weight loss comes from beneficial mechanisms such as fat loss, you will need to make sure that certain nutrients, like protein, are taken in adequate amounts (around 1.6 grams per kilogram of bodyweight per day).

Also, it’s important to make sure you’re getting in enough vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats to stay well nourished throughout the diet.

How Can Detox Teas Help You Lose Weight?

Now that we know that detox diets can be useful in helping you lose weight, the next question is: how does it happen and where do detox teas come in?

Detox Teas Boost Your Metabolic Rate?

Certain ingredients in detox teas have stimulant effects that raise your metabolic rate, causing you to burn more calories even at rest. These include tea leaves that contain caffeine, such as those derived from the Camellia sinensis plant. In one study, results showed that caffeine boosted metabolic rate by as high as 29 percent in lean individuals.

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, which then signals fat cells to break down fat . Another way caffeine assists in fat mobilization is by increasing levels of Epinephrine (Adrenaline) in the blood, which then travels to fat tissues and sends signals to break down fat and release them into the bloodstream.

Detox Teas are Low in Calories?

As with all weight loss diets, in order to achieve true fat loss, the detox diet must create a calorie deficit.

This is where calorie intake, which is the amount of energy a certain food provides in food, is reduced so the amount of energy that is spent in a day, through activities like exercise, or even essential tasks like breathing or sleeping, is greater than the energy provided from food.

This causes the body to use its fat stores to provide the energy that it is now lacking from food and causes subsequent weight loss. The greater this deficit is, the faster the weight loss will occur.

Considering that the average-sized man needs roughly 2,500 calories per day, and the average woman needs around 2,000 calories to maintain their weight, this explains how a detox diet, which usually has a calorie content in the triple digits, can cause weight loss so quickly.

Nutrient Timing and Intermittent Fasting?

Aside from simply taking in less calories from food, another means through which detox diets can affect weight and body composition is through the timing of certain nutrients and the use of Intermittent-Fasting type methods in their diets.

Nutrient timing is where certain nutrients, like protein or carbohydrates, are timed around a certain part of the day, like around your workout or in the afternoon.

Intermittent fasting is where eating and drinking is restricted to a set time period, like in the popular leangains intermittent fasting protocol, where eating occurs over an eight hour period each day, and then fasting occurs for the remaining sixteen hours.

Many detox diets include the above protocols, with many using a twenty-four hour fast to begin their diet. This can have a significant effect on fat loss and is surprisingly sparing with muscle loss. It may also have a few unique health benefits, including fighting aging and reducing inflammation.

So, while decreasing overall food intake is an important part of the detox diet for weight loss purposes, there is also a substantial role played by the timing of food intake in its overall effectiveness of fat loss and reported health benefits. However, once again, care should be taken to ensure that enough essential nutrients are being consumed during the feeding window to make sure health and fitness maintained.

Manipulation of Water Levels in the Body?

One final way in which some detox diets can promote weight loss is through the loss of water weight in the body.

Many detox diets emphasize liquids such as teas and liquidized forms of solid foods, such as fruits and vegetables. These types of diets have a far higher water content than most other types of diets.

This greater water intake can cause an increase in hormones such as aldosterone, which increases the amount of urine and sweat produced by the body.

When this increased water intake is reduced, this increased sweat and urine then leads to a significant loss in water weight that can also have a small effect in improving your physique.

This is a popular practice used by athletes like bodybuilders and MMA athletes that are looking to lose weight fast before a competition.


With the loss in water weight, along with the fat loss from the above two practices, it is clear that detox diets can be an effective way of losing weight and, provided a number of nutrients are still included in the diet, can help improve health and well-being.

Fat Burning Juice-Detox Drinks

26 Metabolism Boosting Drinks for Weight Loss?

1. Metabolism Boosting Teas

I love teas as a great replacement for coffee, and since these genmaicha and matcha teas have a bit of caffeine in them, they can be a way to boost your morning energy with antioxidants and slow-releasing caffeine. And they’re also excellent metabolism boosters for healthy weight!

2. Hemp Matcha Kale Power Boosting Smoothie

Boost both your energy and your metabolism with this smoothie, using hemp seeds, chia seeds, matcha powder, avocado, banana, oranges, kale, mango, kiwi, pineapple, and pomegranate arils. You won’t believe how much goodness is packed into this little smoothie!

3. Metabolism Boosting Smoothie
With strong brewed green tea, Greek yogurt, quick oats, banana, and mixed berries, this smoothie is a wonderful breakfast that will boost your metabolism (thanks, green tea!) and keep you full until lunch (thanks, quick oats!) while treating your gut and your taste buds with probiotic-rich yogurt and sweet berries.

4. Healing Morning Tonic
This cleansing and refreshing morning drink is great for the body and the soul, and it tastes lovely with citrus like grapefruit, lemon, limes, and oranges as well as fresh ingredients like fresh grated ginger, lemongrass, mint leaves, tonic water, and honey if you need it sweetened.

5. Belly Buster Green Juice
This juice is gorgeously yellow-green with apples, cucumber, lemon, lime, mandarins, and romaine lettuce. The citrus juices are great for stimulating a healthy metabolism, while the veggies and fruits adds flavors and nutrients you can get excited about.

6. Power Raspberry, Ginger, and Lemon Smoothie
Cleanse your body with this delicious creamy smoothie made with frozen raspberries, ginger, lemon juice and zest, milk of choice (I’d choose almond), and a high protein flour of your choice, such as coconut flour, almond flour, or other nut or seed flours.

7. Detoxifying Lemon Tea
This lemon tea is a version of a common and popular detox tea made from fresh lemon juice, pure maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. This one also has fresh mint and optional cinnamon, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, and fresh ginger. It’s sure to get your metabolism going!

8. Metabolism Boosting Blueberry Coconut Lime Smoothie
With lime juice and Greek yogurt, this smoothie is both cleansing and nourishing. I love the combination of tropical flavors like coconut, lime, and banana with temperature flavors like blueberry. This smoothie is super tasty and it’s a lovely purple color to boot!

9. Coconut Matcha Latte
Homemade matcha lattes are one of my very favorite hot drinks, and they’re so easy to make. Matcha tea is also excellent for helping to support a healthy metabolism! The vegan marshmallows are optional, but they really make this drink into a decadent but still-healthy

10. Ayurvedic Detox Drink
This detox tea is based on traditional Ayurvedic medicine, and it’s perfect for cleansing and calming your body. You’ll need sliced ginger, fresh turmeric, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, and a tea of choice: green tea, mint, ginger, or yerba.

11. Coconut Vanilla Almond Smoothie
I love fruit and veggie smoothies, but sometimes its nice to just enjoy a creamy vanilla flavor reminiscent of a milkshake. This metabolism-boosting smoothie is made with coconut milk, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, maca powder, vanilla extract, honey, and raw or roasted almonds.

12. Metabolism Boosting Berry Smoothie
Made with matcha powder and cinnamon, this super healthy smoothie promotes healthy weight loss with awesome flavors and ingredients like mixed berries, almond milk, almond butter, avocado, and psyllium husks with several optional add-ins.

13. Jet Fuel for a Sleepy Metabolism
This smoothie is sure to wake up your sleepy metabolism with green tea, coconut milk, frozen pineapple, banana, grapefruit, spinach, and plain whey protein or your favorite protein powder. With filling ingredients,

14. Spicy Mango Mandarin Smoothie
The cayenne pepper in this smoothie is great for your metabolism, but you can decrease the amount or leave it out altogether if you’re not a fan of spicy drinks. The mango and sweet mandarin orange are an excellent complement to the spiciness!

15. Celery Pear Healthy Green Juice
I love the vibrant color of this juice, and the fact that it still tastes sweet and delicious (from the pears) with all of those veggies like celery and kale. The fresh mint helps, too, and this juice is good for stimulating your metabolism to get going in the morning.

16. Ginger Banana Breakfast Shake
Ginger is wonderful for powering up your metabolism, and this smoothie also has sweet banana and creamy rice milk (or almond milk, or dairy milk). Honey and cardamom add deliciously sweet and spiced flavors. This is a great way to start your day with something yummy.

17. Green Apple Spinach Smoothie
Green smoothies are marvelous for your metabolism because their ingredients give it a boost, but you’re also getting powerful vitamins, minerals, and nutrients from the greens and sweet flavors from the fruits I love this one with Granny Smith apples, banana, fresh spinach, Greek yogurt, and a liquid of your choice.

18. Blueberry and Almond Butter Smoothie
This drink reminds me of the smoothie version (and extra healthy) of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It’s made with fresh blueberries and almond butter along with a few dried prunes for sweetness and almond milk for creamy goodness. This is a great replacement for a starchy breakfast.

19. Mango and Mint Smoothie
This smoothie is a sweet treat for a drink with ripe mango, almond milk, cardamom, mint leaves, and optional palm sugar for extra sweetness. Using smoothies as your treat instead of starchy baked goods is always a way to support your metabolism and healthy weight!

20. Beet Detox Smoothie
I’m surprised we’ve gotten this far without talking about beets yet! With their iron-rich, beautiful pink color, beets are an excellent ingredient for detox juices and smoothies. They have an earthy flavor that can be balanced with fruits like strawberries, blueberries, and banana, such as in this recipe.

21. Creamy Avocado Kale Smoothie
Healthy fats like avocado are supportive of a healthy metabolism and body weight, and they also make smoothies amazingly creamy. This super creamy smoothie also uses kale, cacao nibs, Greek yogurt, vanilla almond milk, frozen mango, and honey to sweeten.

22. Apple Carrot Tomato Juice
Here’s a sweet and savory metabolism-boosting juice that reminds me a little of V8, but homemade from fresh ingredients without additives. You’ll need apples, carrots, tomatoes, salt, ground black pepper, and water. The flavor is deliciously veggie-rich!

23. Skinny Pineapple Pear Smoothie
Combined with tropical pineapple, and sweet and spunky combination of ginger and pear is fabulously delicious and great for you’re your body and your taste buds. It’s also super easy to make, because besides those three ingredients, all you need is water and ice.

24. Sunshine State of Mind Juice Recipe
There’s nothing like a simple citrus juice to cheer you up on a gloomy morning or during a stressful work week. Fresh citrus is also good for your metabolism, and if you want to give it an even bigger boost, you can add a knob of ginger to the juicer. Yum!

25. Detox Spa Water
There’s nothing better for boosting your metabolism than switching from sugary drinks like sweetened coffee, soda, and store-bought juices to plain old water. Of course, you can make that water so much more appealing by adding infused flavors like mint, cucumber, and lemon.

26. Pineapple Citrus Smoothie
This smoothie is supportive of safe weight loss and a healthy metabolism. It nourishes your digestive system with pineapple, orange, grapefruit, prune juice, Greek yogurt, and chia seeds for hydrating and extra nutrients. And it’s so yummy

Refreshing Detox Water

2-3 liters water
2 large oranges, sliced
1 lemon, sliced
½ large cucumber, sliced
1 handful of fresh min
Put oranges, lemon and cucumber in the water pitcher. Using a long spoon, gently mash fruits/veggies; this will release more flavor.
Take the mint, and gently mash it to release the natural oils; add to the pitcher.
Add water to the pitcher, and stir to begin the infusion process.
Drink/serve immediately, or store in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.
*This water also tastes great when infused overnight; if doing so, consider removing the rinds from the lemon and oranges. This will cut down on the bitterness.

Cucumber Water with Lemon

Serves: 2
2 cups purified water
1 cucumber
10 parsley leaves
1 organic lemon, cut into thin slices

Wonder Water with Green Apple, Cucumber & Mint

2 litres/quarts filtered water
½ green apple (like Granny Smith)
3 inch (8cm) piece of cucumber
small handful mint leaves
squeeze of lemon or lime juice (optional)
Fill a large jug with the water.

Thinly slice the apple and cucumber. The more thinly you slice them the more surface area there is to release flavour into the water. Add the slices to the water.

Remove the mint leaves from their stems and slightly crush or twist them to help them release their flavour. Add them to the water.

Let chill and steep in the refrigerator overnight. Serve with plenty of ice cubes. Strain out the fruit to serve, or leave some pieces in.

1 comment:

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