Tuesday 30 January 2018

What are we drinking

Want to know what you can juice to start feeling better?

Here are some ideas:

Carrot Juice:

High in the antioxidant beta-carotene
and full of wonder enzymes.

Celery Juice:

High In Sodium -- not the artificial type
poured from the salt shaker, which
is bad for you, but the good, natural
kind that promotes tissue flexibility.

Beet Juice:

Beets nourish the liver, one of the most important
organs in the body, with hundreds of different
functions. If your liver is functioning well,
most likely everything else in your body
will be too.

Cabbage Juice:

Cabbage juice is high in vitamin C.

Apple Juice:

Apples are high in antioxidants, vitamins A
and C, and potassium. Apple juice is great
for aiding in a liver flush and has anticarcinogenic

Kale Juice:

Kale juice is one of the most powerful
cancer fighting juices.

Spinach Juice:

Spinach juice is loaded with iron, chlorophyll,
and carotene, and is used to fight cancer.

Wheatgrass Juice:

Wheatgrass juice is abundant in chlorophyll and
antioxidants. It’s also very detoxing.

You can combine these juices
together and with other fruits
and vegetables in order to
get specific results.

It’s important to remember that there are likely as many
healthy combos of raw juice as there are reasons to drink it.
So, you’ve definitely got options for taste. And, I think its safe
to say that the greener the juice, the more beneficial it is –
especially when we’re dealing with a toxic digestive system.

Intro to Nutrients in Smoothies

Intro to Nutrients in Smoothies

Everyone is aware that it is essential to have a wide range of fruit and veg in your diet. Smoothies are a fantastic way of getting a whole mix of different fruits and nutrients in one sitting. But why?

Freshly made smoothies are blended using whole fruits, so they contain fibre in addition to all the lovely vitamins and  minerals. Fibre is essential for a healthy digestive system and regular visits to the toilet. Better out than in as they say.

Dark fruits such as berries and cherries contain vital antioxidants and boosts immune systems. They even improve brain power.

It is believed that the antioxidants stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain – and keep the mind fresh.

Smoothies can also be made with ingredients such as oats, which are low GI, reducing spikes in blood sugar levels. The sugar produced from fresh made smoothies is natural fructose. This is slower releasing than other sugar or sweetener based drinks. This provides greater nutritional benefit and helps with levels of concentration and therefore behaviour, avoiding a ‘crash and burn’ later in the day.

Not all smoothies are created equal though. Some pre-made off the shelf smoothie drinks can contain other elements such as added sugar or additives/flavourings. This is certainly something to look out for, especially if they are marketed as a ‘healthy drink’. Making the smoothies fresh to order means they are free from any additional processing.

Ingredients for Weight Loss

2.   Ingredients for Weight Loss

While many of the traditional ingredients in healthful smoothies support a healthy weight, some are better than others. There are certain things you can put in your smoothie that will boost your weight loss by different means.

Avocado: Alligator pears are the preferred weight loss smoothie thickener, or ingredient that provides that signature smoothie creaminess. They supply ample healthy fat, which will keep you satiated and satisfied until your next meal, and an array of health promoting vitamins and minerals.

Berries: Any kind of berry, strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, and raspberry for instance, add a ton of flavor to a smoothie without adding very many calories or sugar. Additionally, they are high in fiber, which helps to keep you full, and antioxidants for your overall health.

Cayenne pepper: This spice not only adds a kick to your smoothie, it also boosts your weight loss capability. The compound responsible is called capsaicin. Research has shown that adding it to breakfast reduces consumption of fat and carbohydrates later in the day. In other words, consuming a little cayenne pepper will curb your appetite.

Chia seeds: The same little seeds that make hair grow on ceramic animals are a great tool for weight loss. They are packed with fiber and protein to help keep you feeling full and satisfied and they contain numerous healthful nutrients like calcium, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids. They are also known to absorb toxins from your digestive tract. Many of my recipes call for chia seeds or chia seed gel. I prefer the gel because it helps unlock the nutrition, is slightly easier to digest, and adds to the creaminess of your smoothie. To make chia seed gel, combine equal parts chia seeds and water in a small container and let sit for 5 – 10 minutes to gel. Stores in the fridge for a good month.

Cinnamon: The popular spice helps regulate blood sugar levels by improving the metabolism of glucose. This results in a reduction of the amount of excess blood glucose that can be stored as fat. Abdominal fat, studies have shown, is more sensitive to the effects of cinnamon than fat from any other part of the body.

Coconut oil: This is my number one smoothie weight loss ingredient. As you’ll soon read all about below, ample healthy fat in your smoothies and diet is imperative if you’re serious about losing weight, and achieving optimal health. The predominant fats (medium chain) in coconut oil are used by the body for energy as opposed to being stored as fat. This superfood keeps you satiated, energized, and feeling good. Go with an organic virgin coconut oil for your smoothies and internal consumption.

Greek yogurt: Compared to other styles of yogurt, Greek yogurt is much higher in protein. This means it can fill you up and keep you fuller longer. Opt for the full-fat variety, and stick with plain. The flavored varieties usually have a lot of added sugar.

Healthy fats: Healthy fats are vital to your overall health and help keep you satiated for hours. Totally denying fat is not a way to lose weight. You will only feel unsatisfied when you eat. Consuming ample healthy fat is actually an integral part of any weight loss plan. Include fats in your smoothies by adding avocado, coconut oil, or nuts and nut butters. If you make elixirs, butter and cream are good options too.

Leafy greens: Greens, like kale, spinach, dandelion, and romaine lettuce, are packed with phytonutrients and low in calories. They are also high in fiber. Make sure to rotate your greens on a regular basis.

Pulp from fruit: If you have a juicer, you know that in addition to the juice, you end up with a pile of throw-away pulp. This is all the fiber from the fruits and instead of throwing it out or composting it, you can add it to your smoothies for a natural source of fiber.

Stevia: If the fruit you add to your smoothies is not enough sweetness for you, consider using stevia. This natural, zero-calorie sweetener comes from a plant and is free from the side effects and possible risks of artificial sweeteners.

Tea/water/ice: Many smoothie recipes call for milk or fruit juice to create the right consistency. To avoid the extra calories, substitute them with tea, water, or ice. A fruity, herbal tea is a good substitute for juice. Green tea contains healthful nutrients, including a compound thought to aid in weight loss, and it has a mild flavor. For a consistency more like a shake, use ice.

3.   Ingredients to Avoid

There are plenty of great foods and supplements to put in your smoothies that will give you flavor without excess calories. There are also some pitfalls. Too many people assume that any smoothie is a healthy option, but there are some ingredients that should be avoided if you are using smoothies as a weight loss tool. The most important thing you want to avoid in your smoothies is excess sugar. Even “healthier” sugar from natural sources such as fruit, honey, and maple syrup should be minimized.

Canned fruits or vegetables:
Fresh produce is always best, but when you can’t find what you want, turn to frozen foods before cans. Canned fruits and vegetables often have added preservatives or sweeteners that increase the number of calories. They have also lost a significant amount of their nutritional value. Fresh and frozen veggies and fruits maintain nutrient content much longer than canned products.

Dairy: Dairy products like milk, ice cream, or frozen yogurt are common ingredients in smoothies, but they are chock full of extra calories. There are exceptions, such as raw milk and plain, full-fat Greek yogurt, which is high in protein and low in sugar, but most dairy should be avoided.

Fruit juice: Juice is often high in sugar and calories and low in nutritional value, especially store-bought products. Many contain added sweeteners, and all have lost the fiber of the whole fruit. A limited amount of 100 percent juice is fine, but too much will just increase your total (bad) calorie intake.

Some Protein powders: By “some” I mean those full of fillers and suspect ingredients (list of ingredients is a long list of hard to pronounce words), which don’t support healthy weight loss. A clean protein powder is perfectly acceptable. Don’t feel like you have to use a protein powder though as there are many healthy whole food sources of protein such as nuts, nut butters, seeds, Greek yogurt, and gelatin. If you’re not sure if a protein powder is right for you, give one a try and see how you respond. If you’re wondering, I recommend Sun Warrior protein and these other clean protein powders.

Sweeteners: If your smoothie tastes very sweet, you are probably over doing it on the sweetener and potentially consuming too much sugar for a weight loss plan. Stevia is a natural, no-calories sweetener that you can use. Other good sweeteners, such as honey and maple syrup should be used in moderation.

Too much sweet fruit: Whole, fresh fruits are good for you, and a natural way to add flavor and a little sweetness to your smoothie, but too much can be a problem. A lot of fruit in one smoothie can spike your blood sugar and cause digestive problems. A good rule of thumb is to stick to avocados and berries. Small amounts of sweeter fruits such as banana, apple, mango, and pineapple is fine, but keep those to a minimum. Smoothies high in sugar are a recipe for weight gain.

The Skinny on Fat: Good Fats vs. Bad Fats

5.   The Skinny on Fat: Good Fats vs. Bad Fats

In addition to a balanced diet, you will also need to get plenty of exercise. Try to get some amount of physical activity every day, even if it is just a short walk. High intensity, short duration workouts two to three times a week have been proven to be the most effective form of exercise and great for shedding excess poundage. This form of exercise is also known as High Intensity Interval Training (HITT) and Peak Performance.

Fat, fat, fat! Would all our weight loss problems be solved if we just eliminated fat from our diets? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. We need fats can’t live without them, in fact. Fats are an important part of a healthy diet: They provide essential fatty acids, keep our skin soft, deliver fat soluble vitamins, and are a great source of energizing fuel. But it’s easy to get confused about good fats vs. bad fats, how much fat we should eat, how to avoid artery clogging trans fats, and the role omega-3 fatty acids play in heart health.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 2005 Dietary Guidelines recommend that adults get 20 to 35 percent of their calories from fats. At a minimum, we need at least 10 percent of our calories to come from fat.

The problem is that the typical  diet is higher in fat: Roughly 34 to 40 percent of our calories come from fat. Why? Because they taste so good and are widely available in our food supply. Fats enhance the flavors of foods and give our mouths that wonderful feel that is so satisfying.

An Overall Weight Loss Plan

4.   An Overall Weight Loss Plan

As you work towards your weight loss goal with tasty smoothies as your tool, keep in mind that the healthy way to lose weight includes more than just dietary changes. Your smoothies, if created thoughtfully, will provide you with many of the nutrients you need including protein, carbohydrates, good fats, and vitamins and minerals. But, don’t forget to eat healthful foods in addition to those smoothies. Get plenty of vegetables, healthy fats, high quality proteins, whole grains, and moderate amounts of fruit at your regular meals.

Healthy fats were mentioned as an important weight loss smoothie ingredient and a vital part of a healthy diet. I can’t overemphasize this point. Getting adequate amount of healthy fat and eliminating unhealthy fat from your diet of paramount. Of all the dietary and lifestyle changes I’ve made over the years, getting my fats straight has had the biggest impact on my health and well-being.

Get the goods & the greens

Get The Goods and The Greens

Now comes the fun part. You get to shop for and create your own
juice combinations. Do you want to begin juicing for detox? Juicing
for mental clarity? Or do you simply want to add more juices to your
diet to achieve balance?
The produce you choose to juice will really depend on your personal
needs as well as what’s in season and available where you are.

Here are some popular and ultra effective juicing ingredients:

1 Green Leaf Lettuces

Leafy green lettuces are an excellent
addition to your juices. They are
abundant in vitamins, minerals, and
protein -- and are not offensive to the
taste buds. The darker the green, the higher
the mineral content, and the more intense the
flavor of its juice.
If you want to reap the benefits of lettuce in your juice, but are
skeptical of the taste, try juicing a combo of darker and lighter greens
to balance out the flavor.
You can also use lettuce, like romaine to help balance out sharper
tasting juices like ginger, fennel, garlic, and cilantro.

2 Ginger

Ginger is a spicy root vegetable that
can help add zest to your green juices.
Sometimes adding ginger can flavor a juice
well enough to eliminate to temptations to
add sweeter fruits. Of course, anything that you
can do to reduce your sugar intake will help promote
optimum health.
Ginger relaxes the intestinal tract so it is very good for reducing
nausea, gas and bloating. Studies have even shown that ginger’s
anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties have helped reduce
symptoms in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

3 Garlic

Garlic is one of those tastes that you may have
to work up to when it comes to adding it to your
juice. But again, since juice is so readily
available to your cells, you never really
need to drink too much of it at once.
Garlic has been known to have antibacterial
and anti-microbial affects, enhance your immune
system, eliminate heavy metals, and help balance cholesterol levels,
high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and candida.
Buy fresh plump garlic for juicing. To juice it, simply peel the white
papery skin and run a clove or two through your favorite juicer.

4 Fennel

Fennel, like ginger, adds a certain spicy quality to your
juice and can be a good addition if you wish to keep
your juices more vegetable-based. Fennel tastes
like black licorice and has been known to have
many medicinal properties.
Besides being a digestive aid and useful in the reduction of gas, just
like ginger – fennel also contains phytoestrogens which is especially
useful to women during menopause.
When juicing fennel, use both the stem and the bulb. It does have a
very intense flavor. If you’ve never had fennel or fennel juice before,
do a taste test to determine how much of it you want to drink or if you
need to add it to other juices.

5 Lemon and Limes

Lemons and Limes are a great way
to sweeten your juice without raising
blood sugar or feeding infections
(yes, infections will feed on all of the
sugars in your foods, even natural sugars).
Lemons and limes are very high in vitamin C and are great for
assisting circulation and enhancing the skin.
You can juice the entire lemon or lime including the rind for the most
nutritional benefit. Of course, this will create a more bitter flavor.
If adding these citrus fruits to your juice, you can balance out the
bitterness by adding something mellow like cucumber.

6 Cilantro

Cilantro has a fresh taste and also has
metal chelating properties. This means
that it can help your body detoxify
from metals that may be stored
from old dental amalgams or simply
everyday life.
To best juice cilantro, you should use a screw juicer, or
simply blend in your blender, and strain. Other juicers will do the job,
but won’t yield as much juice.

7 Cucumber

Cucumber is very mellow tasting
and makes a great addition to most
juices because it helps balance
the taste of the more pungent tasting vegetables. Cucumbers are
composed mostly of water and minerals like silica. This makes them
especially hydrating and beneficial for gaining great skin.
You will want to juice the entire cucumber – skin, seeds and all,
because most of the cucumber’s nutrition is stored in its skin.

8 Mint

Mint is very cooling and refreshing.
You can add it to your juice to
enhance the flavor and make your
greens more palatable.
Juicing mint is much like cilantro and grasses. You want to use a very
high quality juicer like the Twin Gear to get the most out of your juice.
But, you can also just blend it and add it directly to your juices, or
blend and strain it before adding it to other juices.

10 Minutes of Exercise Yields Hour-Long Effects

6.   10 Minutes of Exercise Yields Hour-Long Effects

Other factors that contribute to weight loss are adequate sleep (underrated), stress reduction, hydration (your liver doesn’t metabolize body fat well when burdened by dehydration), and a positive outlook. There’s often an emotional component preventing people from losing weight, which is rarely easy to address. Resolving issues in your relationships, career, or past, often leads to profound breakthroughs.

Mindful eating is another strategy that besides being a good practice to help us slow down also often results in weight loss. When you bring mindfulness to your meals you usually make better choices (reach for and consume less junk food), eat less (your gut has ample time to signal to your brain when you’re full), and appreciate the food more. To practice mindful eating, remove any distractions such as TV or reading, take small bites and chew slow (tough one for me) and notice the color, smells, and textures of your food. Please don’t dismiss this simple practice – it can yield profound results.

Everyone’s body is different and not all of us are meant to be as skinny as a supermodel or have 6-pack abs. Learn to love your body and don’t get caught up in the game of comparing yourself to others. Staying active while also eating right, getting ample sleep, reducing stress, and enjoying healthful and nutritious smoothies are steps you can take that will get you to your goal weight before you know it.

What are we drinking

Want to know what you can juice to start feeling better? Here are some ideas: Carrot Juice: High in the antioxidant beta-carotene and f...